Life Is Precious

Over the past week my life, my friends lives, and the lives of those around the world have been struck with tragedy. Some of you knew or at least heard about the Blackburn shooting up in Indianapolis where a missionary couple who working at a church plant had their house broken into and Amanda Blackburn and her unborn child where killed by the intruders. ( watch his amazingly powerful interview here  & part 2 here) This morning I get word that a friend of mine and many other people I know, Nate George, passed away unexpectedly. A young married man full of life. Along with the Paris ISIS attacks and the persecution and chaos of the refugees fleeing their home countries out of fear of their lives.  all this reminds me of the verse in on James “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”  James 4:14
Its hard to find peace and answers for such difficult times. The questions race through many of our minds of “why him or why her?” “how could God let something like this happen?” “has God forgotten us?!” … NO God hasn’t forgotten us BUT we live in a world that is full of evil and sin. God loves us so much that he lets us choose to follow him or not and in that he lets us also decide to sin or not. Sadly a lot of  the world has decided to take their own path. They have decide to reject the free gift that God gives us. Doesn’t mean God stops loving them! His heart breaks  for those that cause the pain as much as those that receive the pain. its crazy to think that God loves those in ISIS as much as he loves us a orphan child or a good old southern boy!  God calls us to love those people too. that’s not a easy thing to swallow or even easy to do but that’s what we are called to!  People look at these moments and questions God but for me it makes me push into him even more. It reminds me how much darkness is in the world, and how hopeless people are without Christ, it emboldens me and makes my burden for the lost even stronger. This doesn’t make the loss of a friend, co-worker, wife, or mentor easier by any means. but please in these moments press into God more instead of running away. We cant see the full picture of what God is painting with our lives. we see a tragedy and only see hurt and loss. We can only see a  tiny spec of the picture, while God is working on a master piece of our lives and  unto its finished, when we all are called home, we wont fully see what He has been is working on. We have to trust that what he is up to is good and beautiful. who knows what those brush strokes of “loss and pain” actually will become they might become brush stokes of “redemption and freedom.” Trust Him in the pain, lean into him in the pain, and grow closer to him in the pain. I’m also reminded how precious life is and how often we take it for granted, either our own life  or those around us. life is short and again our plans aren’t always God’s plans. Live your life as if it was you last. Who would you spend your last day on earth with, what relationships who you mend, where would you go, what would you do, how would you act and what would you do differently? Cherish every moment you have but also LIVE! go and do and be. Have an adventure, risk a little bit more, talk a little less but listen a little more! For us Christians we have have hope after this life but many including refugees, the homeless man in town, the drug addict on your street, the prostitute, the sick, the terrorist, and single women who decided to abort her child, if they don’t have Christ, they are hopeless, so if it wasn’t your last day but was for one of them…how would you interact differently, how would you talk with them, what would you share with them? The thing is none of us know when are time will come. None of us are promised tomorrow. ALL life is precious! How will you make sure someone you come in contact with today knows that their life matters?

Thanks for reading my rambling, welcome to my mind! but really hope you where challenged to think a little differently after reading this.  Go enjoy life with those you love but maybe haven’t had much time with them lately, tell your mom and dad you love them, take a friend out grab a beer or water and talk about life and the deep stuff, and maybe just maybe pray for a stranger, talk with a homeless person, or just share love with someone that might not get it anywhere else! we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Jesus thinks every life matters do you?

you rock,

Jon Stegenga




Nate George, thanks for being you! your live for life and God was inspiring. you had a way to engage teens with the bible and caused people to think deeper and still  have fun! Guys lock-in, lick it for 10, “slap of the bass” and many more great memories will be remembered! you truly where a stud and Heaven has gained a great one!


Davey and Amanda Blackburn, thanks for serving God faithfully and fully. I didn’t you know but thank you for sacrificing so much for the Gospel. Amanda your passion for God, life, your family will no be forgotten! the Kingdom of God grew and will continue to grow throughout Indianapolis  because of your faithfulness. Davey stay strong, continue to lean into God, let him use this tragedy for his glory! you are strong and many will come to know God because of you, your wife, and child! 


Refugees, You are not forgotten. God love you and the Church is here for you! may God show himself to you and may a massive kingdom movement happen through you guys


Global Reaction To The Terrorist Attack On French Newspaper Charlie Hebdo

PARIS, FRANCE We morn with you and are here for you! you are strong and will will endure. I pray God shows himself through this tragedy!

Reflections on the Summer

Looking Back 

have had some time to reflect on my summer and wanted to share some of my take aways enjoy!

Looking back on my summer and my time overseas I can see how much God really did in me and how much the places and people had an impact on me. Some of the biggest lessons I learned this summer came in ways I never thought. One thing that was evident throughout the whole summer was this idea of not having to be everywhere all the time. To be able to sit back and not be where the event was happening. I didn’t have to be there for the team. Basically I was reminded it wasn’t all about me and I had to get over myself and let the team go and do things that I didn’t have to be a part of. This happened a lot this summer with me traveling overseas but only being in each locations for a several days to a week while the teams were in their location for 18 days, also there was a week where they were in a city in the US and no leaders were with them and also a lot of other things here and there during their time in Colorado. This was really humbling because I love being in the middle of everything and always love seeing what God is doing and being a part of it so sitting back is not in my nature. Another big take away from this summer is just feeling and being reminded of God’s love for me. Coming into the summer I was coming out of a very low and dark time in my life personally and I needed a change. This summer did just that. I wasn’t fixed or had all problems sorted out but I did feel Gods presences again in a very personal way time and time again this summer and just a sweet reminder that I am his cherished son. One of the biggest blessings I had this summer and reaffirmed that this is something I want to do the rest of my life. That was living life with these incredible 27 men and women and watching them let God do a mighty work in their lives as they let go and found new hope and identity in Christ, were broken, challenged, found courage and boldness, walked it obedience, stepped into leadership or down into servant-hood, and found a life purpose and vision and are then sent back into the world. Being a part of something so life changing is the best reward I could ever ask for and having my life changed and challenged by and along with the Experience students is just icing on the cake … well  maybe a scoop of ice cream and hot fudge covering it as well. Another thing that was reaffirmed and strengthened in me is my call to missions. Last summer I surrendered my call to overseas missions and this summer is has been, over and over again, reaffirmed. From conversations to the actual time overseas, to small nudging from God, specific class room and Deep Camp messages, and then lastly Slingshot, where I got conformation from God and really got focused on a specific location, Ukerewe Island (Albino Island) in Tanzania on Lake Victoria. Read about Slingshot HERE. It looks like a little over a year from now in the fall or early winter I’ll be going on a scouting trip either by myself or with one other person for about 10-14 days to see what kind needs are there and hopefully get a vision to start a kingdom movement there among the locals and persecuted albinos there. Lastly I just have found more joy and opportunities in using my passion for photography and videography and discovered a world of opportunities that come with a camera.

I think if I had to describe the summer for me in one word it be the word ‘Awakened’ or ‘Revived.’  My soul was refreshed and awakened this summer. Over the past year I had been distracted by the busyness of life and I lost sight of my calling and purpose, but now im refocused and recharged to go and do the mission, the great co-mission with God to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” I have rediscovered the joy in my salvation, felt Gods love, grace, and presence and refocused on the whole purpose of life. My Soul has been reawakened. It is hard to put words to what exactly I went through and what I experienced this summer and for the most part there aren’t really words to accurately describe it but that is just part of living a life for God, you just can’t quite capture it and through that I think comes the great opportunity to inspire others to go and the same, to go experience God for themselves in new and exciting ways that will strengthen, challenge, grow them im awesome way and they will further the kingdom.

Relentless Warrior


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Answering the Call: Slingshot

10543816_10204264481635101_872740755_nThe day after the Experience graduation Me and four others (Charlie, Stacey, Branson, and Nathan) made our way from CO to join up with six others (Matt & Chelsea Sroufe, Bailey, Stephen, Trey, & Eric) to do a week long training program called Slingshot ran by Caleb Bislow,  who is a KBM Itinerant speaker, who has his own sub-training program called Unusual Soldiers. Joining me was two KBM staff members (Stacey & Charlie) an experience student (Branson), one guy who went to Africa with me last Aug,st (Nathan), a married couple who did the experience with me two summers ago (the Sroufes), one from last years’ experience team (Eric), and three who did Caleb’s other program Stranded earlier this summer (Stephen,Baliey, & Trey). What is Slingshot?


Like the picture says It is the last stage of Caleb’s training for the few people that have a burden and senses a call to take the hope of Christ to the dark, dangerous, and despised and sometimes distant places around the world. As the week unfolds students will learn how to develop a personal strategy to ignite a disciple-making movement or a humanitarian initiative in their specific region. This conference will also train students with many ideas, cautions, and tips on how to do ministry in a treacherous part of our nation and world. Full Details of this prgram can be found at

This wasn’t something I had planned for when I started my summer but throughout this summer God kept prompting me to do this, but I didn’t know if I could or if I would have enough money for it. As the summer drew closer to an end it became more and more evident that I needed to go and one thing after another that was hindering me cleared up allowing me to go, but I was confused a little about what area to focus on, I had two places on my heart. first off I had the this “Albino Island” on my heart, which come to be when I was in African last summer. At the beginning of our time in Africa Caleb mentioned this place that we could visit in Tanzania, this “albino island.”  We were not fully sure if it was an actual place, but something in me wanted to go then and there, I had a heart tug. We never actually went nor did we find out if it was an actually place but when I got back home I couldn’t get it out of my mind so I  began to research and found that it is a real place, Ukerewe Island on Lake Victoria. The more I found out the more my heart broke for this place. The island has the largest Albino population of any other place in the world and they are their because family members would abandon them there because they are seen as worthless, lesser people as well to protect them from witch craft. Witch Doctors would have people go and hack body parts off these albinos to perform these ceremonies for people in hopes of good heath, powers, and blessing on their home and crops. In some sever cases the albinos would be eaten in hopes of super natural powers. This is very similar to what happens to the pygmies in the Congo, but a UFC fighter, Justin Wren who also went with Caleb to Africa and Slingshot and is now living with them to help free them, build water walls, and give them land and a sustainable way of life. His organization is called Fight for the Forgotten.” So I have this place on my heart but then toward the end of the summer I all of a sudden had this burden for Somalia, which terrified me but also excited me, I know im crazy! The big thing with this was I wasn’t sure if it was God or me because several people this summer including the one experience student, Branson, was going for Somalia and had been talking to me about it. So I had a lot of confusing going into it. The crazy thing was when we were there sharing about the locations that where on our hearts six of us has Somalia as either our first or second place. But with-in the second or third day God spoke to me and told me to wait on Somalia and began to put a big passion and focus on the Ukerewe Island. I think there is a reason why six of us had Somalia on our hearts and im excited to see what the future might hold for that place. It is one of if not the most dangerous places in the world right now, especially for Christians. But the two people that focused primarily on Somalia got a crazy awesome vision for this country to “Redefine the Horn” to change the culture of Somalia and something even crazier is they had a vision and dream that one day the Horn could be a launching pad for missions around the world. If that doesn’t give you goose bumped and send chills down your spine there is something wrong with ya! So I began to dive into the Ukerewe Island and began developing a vision for it. This week consisted of a lot of class room training and teaching along with travel tips, times of worship and prayer, and research on our areas. We were taught about what it looks like to start a discipleship movement, what to do when faced with rebels and in a hostage situation, how to relate to the people we are reaching, how to be “wise and s serpent but innocent as a dove”, we talked about how to come up with a game plan, preparing yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually for whatever you might face, and took simple but big next steps, along with a lot of others stuff. It was an exciting week, mostly just being with like minded people preparing themselves to go all around the world to take it for the kingdom.

For me the Ukerewe Island where I don’t know for sure what I’ll be doing but I know God has called me and possible headed there on a scouting trip next fal or winter after i graduated college. Then there is Bailey, 19 years old, who wants to move to Romania and start a movement to end the sex trade once and for all across the world. Then you have Charlie and Nathan, who will be traveling to Tanzania in October for 3 months to the Hadzabi tribe, the last hunter gather tribe in the area, to start a discipleship movement among the tribe. Charlie has already been there on a scouting trip and saw God begin to changing lives there. Then you have Stacey who has a passion for India and wants to work with rescued girls from the sex trafficking industry and Matt and Chelsea Sroufe who have a passion for Dadaab In Kenya to help with the Somalian refugees, who have fled their country that need a lot of medical attention along with a lot of other needs. Then you have Eric who has a passion for outdoor ministry and wanted to disciple people using the outdoors. He doesn’t quiet know what the next steps are but knows God has some big things in-store for him in this. To Branson and Tray who wants to begin a movement in Somalia, the most dangerous place in the world, to change the culture of the horn and Stephan who has a passion for videography and wants to travel to and with others to capture the stories and mission of what people are trying to do. to help share and spread the mission and maybe even inspire a few others to go and do the same. What a crazy group of radical world changers, Unusual Soldiers.


Top L-R: Stacey (India), Branson (Somalia), Me (Tanzania) Bot L-R: Bailey (Romania), Stephen (everywhere), Chelsea & Matt ‘Purple shirt’ (Dadaab), Nathan (Tanzania), Trey (Somalia), Charlie (Tanzania), Eric (MI or somewhere outdoors)

10563427_10204271239324039_1191817959_n 10563562_10204264481955109_2013367317_n 10564828_10204264480435071_1176629293_n  UKEREWE ISLAND

This concludes my blog post about the summer. thank you again for joining me this summer and being apart of this incredible journey whether that was supporting me through money to help me get out here or praying for me or writing me note or just reading me blog. You all had a part in this summer and all had a part of this Kingdom movement this summer through so many  young people including myself. I can thank you enough not a single penny wen to waste!


Relentless Warrior 


a small town in CO that we stopped by on our way to Slingshot full of Somalian Refugees


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Adventures of the Experience: Only The Beginning

 Deep Camp – Graduation & A Personal Thanks to You All


Team Photo on top of Mt Evans

As I sit here at a table and it being over a week since the Experience gradation im still wondering where the summer has gone? I leave back for SC in 2 days and it feel like yesterday I was boarding a plane to head out Colorado. But as I look back at the summer It feels like years that ive been out here when I reflect on all that God has done, how close the team got, and all the places Ive gone things Ive done. Every summer God continues to mold and shape me into more of the man he has created me to be and I humbly try t walk into obedience. I cant say thanks enough to all those who supported me this summer financially, spiritually, and emotionally through your generous giving, prayers, letters, txt messages, and facebook post. Nothing went to waste, worth every penny you sent to this summer. God didn’t only transform me but he transformed every student that when through the program. From students finally finding and feeling love, and discovering and walking into their unique ministries and gifting to people finally being comfortable in their own skin by finding their identity in Christ alone and students finally being able to forgive someone that hurt them deeply and on and on from walking in boldness and courage and learning to be a leader or a servant, to getting a gimps  of what the body of Christ and its community could look like, they where challenged Physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally to go beyond anything they every thought they could do, to look past themselves and see the bigger picture, or see past their narrow view of the church and God but the most important thing that happened to these students was that they were pointed to Christ to guide them and make them more dependent on God and not look to a program, person or an experience to help them move on. “the greatest gift you will ever give this world is your intimacy with God” …the students heard this phrase over and over again but the reality and truth of this is so powerful and is the goal of this summer that through this hearts will be set on fire and lifes set on purpose to take this world for the kingdom and that is whats happening right now. These students are world changers! It was a honor to work and life alone side them for two months and the ways they have impacted me will have a life long impact. God truly showed up and out this entire summer in ways we could have never planned!



zip lining at Deep Camp

I never got around to another blog post after my two blogs about overseas so here is what the experience team experienced the rest of their summer and for a more detailed idea of their time check out KBM’s Blog. After the three teams came home from overseas they soon headed up into the mountains to the YMCA of the Rockies to Deep Camp where they were small group leaders leading discussions after the services they also helped out with the kids camp, led afternoon activities and games, and took part in morning and evening services and afternoon breakout sessions. God did a might work that week in the team as well as the students and families they poured into.

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After Deep camp the Experience teams had a day of rest and and team building and then the three international teams headed out for wander week. The DR team headed to Las Vegas the Haiti team made there way to Dallas and the Honduras team went to Downtown Denver and they where on their own the whole week no leaders, no set plan, no guidance just the team and a city. Each team had two leaders chosen and money was given to them and a initial contact to meet when they first got there. Each team came into team and other conflict in some matter or the other from deciding on  groceries to dealing a church with a very different theology, sickness, and planning on where to eat or do for ministry. through all this though they all saw God do amazing things in and through them all and watched the Kingdom of Heaven come to Dallas, Denver, and Vegas. here are a few stories about and from  the teams.

Connect one the first day with a young teenage girl that had a fiery passion for God and through her they ended up at Red Rocks Amphitheater for a incredible night of worship with all these teens and collage students from Denver.  Haiti/Dallas: as they arrived in Dallas they soon arrived – (Denver)

So we were out on the streets just praying for people and I was paralyzed by fear of my past with men to even put my hand on the shoulder of a man I was praying for. My team notices something is wrong and takes time to listen to my fears and then they shower me with truth and pray over me. I feel totally overwhelmed by the truth they spoke over me about who God is and how God can use me regardless of my fears and how He is even more glorified through me stepping outside of my fear and less than 10 minutes after that I’m standing next to a man, talking about his life, and praying over him and speaking the same truth my team spoke into my life just before that. God uses you in your brokenness” – Hannah Reed (Las Vegas)


“we met this little elderly woman named Ida while we were there. She spent some time with our hosts. When we first met her, she wouldn’t really talk or laugh with us and had always been that way with Jim and Becky too. But towards the end she began sitting and talking with us voluntarily. And we got a call from Becky recently saying that she continually asks about us now and talks a lot more. So we weren’t even trying to accomplish that with our hosts, but our team dynamic ended up blessing them tremendously” – Lyndy Barnes (Dallas) 


“Hey a huge way that God showed up in Dallas was through our host family, Jim and Becky Elam. They just showed us what ministry for them looked like as missionaries in Dallas and they loved us really well. Through them we were able to become familiar with the city and find ministries to serve.” – Drew Boland (Dallas) 


“Well a night that we decided to go out on the strip and talk to people on the strip, Mikey Karolina and I ran into a bucket drummer and were able to talk to him for over an hour. He had grown up in the church but always had questions that people didn’t answer and turned away from Christianity as he got older. At first he told us his name was sal but later in the conversation he told us his real name was Joel. It was really cool being able to tell him about who God really is and answer a guys questions who was just honesty seeking truth in his life. It was one of my favorite things that happened the entire Vegas trip.” – Branson Despres (Las Vegas)


Team DR on their way to Vegas


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Once they all got back to the office they entered into their finally week. this week was life planning which included some fun times at staffs homes, a trip up to the top of Mt Evans, class teachings, and 1-on-1 one life planning sessions along with hanging out and doing as many fun things a s a teams as possible  like late night ultimate Frisbee games, hotel pool, Half off apps at Applebee’s, thrift store and Starbucks runs, meals with staff and interns, team dinners, movies, dressing up as cows for free Chickfila and just hanging out at the office.






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It is a busy but such a impactful week that really helps the students put words to what has happened to them this summer and help them see, develop, and plan next steps, whatever that might look like, as they go back home to broken family’s, difficult jobs, unclear futures, collage campus, and ministries. during their 1-on-1’s each student developed a Life Purpose & Life Talents an example of this is what I got two summers ago LIFE PURPOSE: “I Exist as a risk taking artist to show and inspire that there is joy in fully and passionately living a surrendered life to and for Christ” & LIFE TALENTS: Discovering Adventurer, Loving Engager, Inspiring Father, & Relentless Warrior (which became my new God given name).


                 1-on-1 life planning


These help the students put words to who god has created them, what makes them tick. I have found that these things have really helped me over the past two years to see and live into these things that make me me. Also this week there was a Father’s Blessing ceremony where any fathers who were there and then for others a staff member would give a blessing/prayer over that person as a right of passage from boy to man or girl to woman. Powerful stuff especially for the fathers and family members that where there to do this blessing over their child.


The Fathers Blessing

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At the “Last Super” the day before graduation the students surprised us by having all the staff, interns, and family come up and wash our feet and pray over us. nothing like this has ever been done and was one of the most powerful and humbling experiences of my life. I was so blessed and teary eyed. Just another reason why these guys are awesome I cant wait to see how they serve this world! “Today they washed our feet, tomorrow the world’s” Dwight.


The Students Washing the Staff, Interns, and Families Feet

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The summer ended with a graduation service which was live streamed and recorded and can be watched HERE. here the students shared personal testimonies of what God did in them and ended it  with us commissioning them out by praying over them. It was hard to see them leave but God continued to remind me that this is what it is all about. We dont have them raise money and come on the experience so they all can live as a family together forever in CO. The Purpose of this whole summer is to equip them and send them back out to the world to change it. So it was sad and I didnt want to say goodbye but I got and still am so sticking stoked to know they all are sped out over the country and the world changing and redefining the environment they are in. No they didn’t all their problems fixed or find the way to have a happy life. but what they go this summer is greater…They got a new idea of what the body really looks like, who they are in Christ and found a greater dependence on God. 



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they will have struggles and hard days they will have times they fail or want to quit and feel all alone but they discovered something great and that is”The greatest gift you can give this world is your intimacy with God.”  So who knows where they will go, who they will meet, and what they will do! This is not the end but only the beginning and the best is yet to come! 

Thanks for reading and again for all your support! 

– Relentless Warrior 







Commissioning Prayer


Adventures of the Experience: International (Part 2 The Dominican Republic)

The past 11 days while I was overseas have been some of the most incredible days of the summer.  I got to work with two awesome teams, one in Honduras and another in the Dominican Republic. It was a crazy adventure with a lot of different plane, bus, and taxi rides but also included many life long memories where I watched God show up in the teams in really amazing ways.  This Blog is the second blog covering my time overseas “Part 2 The Dominican Republic ” and if you didn’t read you can read “Part 1 Honduras.”


Back Again 6/7-6/13


The original plan was when I landed in the Dominican Republic around 3:10 I would have to get through customs, grab a taxi and make it to a bus station a hour away to meet up with the team as they depart at 4:30 to head off to their new location that they will be at until coming back to CO on June 19th (my birthday)! It left little to no time for delays without having to figure out a whole new plan to meet the team. But plans changed before arriving to The DR and CMA, the boarding school the team was headed to, picked them up in Puerto Plata, where they had been the first 5 or so days, and then swung by the airport and picket me up before heading to CMA (Caribbean Mountain Academy).  This is the first country I have been in more then once. Last time I was in the DR was two summers ago when I was on the Experience and we spent 6 days in Haiti and then came over to the DR to work with the students at CMA.  It was so good to be back in the country I didn’t realize I missed this place so much until I landed and walked out of the airport. I was greeted by Nate (KBM staff) and Mikie (one of the students) and soon I am greeted by the rest of the team in the van, my team! the weeks leading up to the international stage there were several occasions where there would be team dinners and I was with the DR teams during these meals so I claim the DR team as my team. I was super pumped to be reunited with these guys even though for the first 30 minutes I kind of felt distant and was afraid I wouldn’t connect but those where all lies from Satan and soon I felt welcome and apart of the team. They shared with me about there past several days in Puerto Plata, click here to read the KBM blog about that time. They were all on fire and saw God do some awesome things! Now with the team we made our way to Jarabacoa about a hour from the airport to Crosswinds where we would based out of for the rest of the time in the DR.  We spend te first few hours getting settled in and one of the CMA staff gave the download on CMA and got reunited with Hunter Yates, a 2013 Experience Alum that is now full time staff there. We went into town with some of the staff and summer interns  for an authentic DR meal, super good!

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Already I feel super connected to the team and I feel ive been with them the whole time. It’s really cool to the way the team has shown love to me and made feel part of their family. When they found out that I was not staying with them the whole time they found my passport and hid it and kept telling me that I need to let headquarters know that im not coming back and they need to accept that, which I was perfectly ok with. I never saw my passport until the minute I had to leave.  The next day was Sunday and Tiana and Jesse  lead the worship portion of the service which was awesome to see Tiana because she had never lead worship outside of her church. After Church the guys (both KBM & CMA students) went into town to go play soccer and basketball and the girls went on a hike up through a river in the jungle to a large waterfall.  I didn’t realize how much I missed playing soccer but it was such a blast getting to play and also it was a great way to begin building relationships with the CMA students. That night The DR team started their hot seats. Laura shared her story first and then Jesse D shared his story.


The valley where Majaguita is

The next morning we packed up and headed to  Los Calabazos/Majaguita with some of the CMA interns, a village about 30 minutes away that we would be staying at for the next 2 and 1/2 days. When we got where we were staying looked from on top of the hill into this beautiful valley where the village was, just completely blown away by the view. as we made our way down into the valley to the village down the 180 something stairs. I had been in this village once before two years ago but it was only for several hours so i was really excited to be staying here for multiple days. I recognized several of the kids and Julito, the man who is like the leader of the village and has a huge heart for God and has desire to see the whole community come to Christ. Such a sweet guy with a huge heart for god and the people of Majaguita. After a short download about the village from Julito we made our way across a wooden bridge which had been repaired and no longer had massive gaps where you stood, and then made our way up the other side of the valley to this area where a house had been build, but it had collapsed on one side and needed to be re dug out and filled with rocks. for some reason there was this barb wire fence right next to the house and i walked under it but Grant, who was right behind me, didn’t see it and ran into it with his face and had a nasty cut right above his eye and had to leave for a little while and get a stick. So while Grant was running into barb wire the rest of us built a assembly line  from higher up the hill and moved a pile of rocks to the house but had to end after that we moved the rocks because we didn’t have any tools to dig at the house so we went back down the hill to the village where we got to play Frisbee and basketball with the kids and soon were served lunch after we got a tour of the whole village. This village a tourist attraction just because of the beauty of its location and use to be a rafting location but this village is not under the government in any way and basically doesn’t exist they are self-sustaining  village with their own hydro-electric system that powers the whole village, they make their own methane from sewage, they have a restaurant, and grow hanging food crops and raise pigs,  they have fish pools that they use for food for themselves and for tourist that come where they can pick their own fish out and then the people from the village catch it and cook it up for them. The whole village works to keep the village working they all take turns cleaning the cabins that visitors use and any and every maintenance needs that come up Julito and the village are right there to fix and help keeping the village functioning.  After we toured the village we spent some time down at the river and the inner wild man came out of several of us and there at the river the Vegetation Tribe was formed. After dinner the Julito who loves bonfires built one and we all, team and locals, gathered around the fire. Jesse and Darren played some worship music, Mikie started making finger shadow puppets for the kids, and Mikie, Tent, and I did some goofy skits and then some of the teens of Majaguita put on a few skits of their own, that were actually had a spiritual lesson in them. It was just a really awesome night where the team engaged with the village, jumped into activities with nothing planned, and saw the Dominica’s engage in a way the KBM staff have never seen before from here. It really help build a connection between the locals and the team.  


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After Breakfast we played some basketball and interacted with the kids until several of the CMA interns came with work tools and then the guys went back up the hill to the house to move more rocks and dig out a trench on the side of the house and the girls went up the hill on the other side of the river to paint some houses. The work we did was some tough manual labor and there was some sweet, tears, and blood shed. mostly because Darren was tossing me rocks in the assembly line and instead of one of the rocks going to me hands it went to my shin and then to my toes… but at least we didn’t have any more run-ins with barbwire. We finished up as much as we could in a few hours and then made our way back the village for lunch then the team had some time to plan for the nights session around the fire while they were planning i played with some of the kids and then they took me over to this massive mango tree that is in the middle of the village and pointed way up to the top of the tree and where there was several mangos. The next 15-20 minutes I spent throwing sticks, a soccer ball, and then a hard mango up into the tree until finally i knocked down 2 very ripe mangos! 😀 several of the guy CMA students came and we all went to the river. CMA students went up river and then the rest of us went and jumped off this massive rock into the river which was below the bridge. We made our way up the river and met up with the CMA students. after several hours of this we went back to the village and then Branson, Jesse, and I went back down to the river to take a shower…which turned into the three of us jumping off this 25-30 foot bridge into the river and then turning back into the vegetation trip and then washing again. The DR team as a whole is just a crazy bunch and It is a beautiful thing! The next few hours we just spent with the kids which become one of my favorite memories of the trip. Karolina, Jesse, Tiana, and I and then later Branson as well, were sitting on the porch of one of the cabins and playing with several kids. Somehow it turned into “zombies.” It made our day when they knew what zombies were so we chased each other around like zombies infecting each other and hitting the zombies with big blow up balls! so much fun! we did this for about 30-40 minutes. This kids were the cutest things ever especially Emily and Ricky, if I could I would have adopted them both. Emily was the cutest little girl ever and it was so funny watching her run away from the zombies and being a zombie. Then several of us got the kids on our shoulders and raced around the village. Highlight of the trip. We finished up the day with another bonfire with worship, the Everything skit, and other games.

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the last day in the village started with Hannah sharing her story before breakfast and then just spent some time playing basketball and then more of the team jumping off the bridge. Before we left Julito shared about the village and his dreams and hopes for it as well as prayer request for the village and the people of Majaguita. Then the team surrounded him and prayed over him and the village. At this time and right after several of the students had a breaking point where they where touched and burdened for the kids and the people of the village so cool to see God work in their hearts. It was one of the hardest things to do but we had to say goodbye to all the kids and families of the village. several of the students were in tears or close to it including myself. we left part of our heart in Majaguita. several of the students helped carry up our stuff and made the steep climb to the road, where we said our finally goodbyes. Once back at CMA the students had a time to debrief and talk about the past several days with their highs and lows and heart tugs this then led into a awesome time of opening up and sharing about struggles they saw in themselves or the team and they spent the next hour discussing their strengths and weaknesses and how they could better work as a team. This team is already super close but this time brought them even closer and what was cool to watch was that they didn’t only talk about things they need to do different but over the few next days that i was with them they fixed those things and just thrived as a team and individually and they were already working great but after this they just flourished and came alive. This team has such a wide variety of personalities and skill sets but they all began to shine in their individual ways and all brought awesome things to the team!  they became the working body of Christ in so many ways! A beautiful picture! that night we had our first youth service with the CMA students this first night was spent just getting to know each other and the team put on the “doctor office” skit to introduce themselves and had several games that got everyone involved. the students loved it and we were told afterwords that they never get this and it really was a big blessing it helped to begin to strengthen the relationships even further between CMA and KBM students. Afterwards we had to more hot seats Darren and Mikie.

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the next morning until until 1:30 int he after noon we worked on to work project at CMA. A group of guys went and hand made concert and then laid it and made sidewalk porch area on the side of the house. it was hard work but very satisfying when completed and the others did some gardening. After lunch we played some soccer with the guys int he field by there church building for a hour or so and then had some team time where they planned the evening youth service. Then we all went and watched the opening game of the World Cup. That night we had the second Youth night starting with some minute to win it games followed by worship and then Mikie and Branson sharing part of their testimonies. to end the guys split into two groups and the girls into another group to discuss and ask questions. they were not sure how this was going to work but the student began opening up and asking lots of questions and sharing their beliefs and thoughts.  Some deep stuff but so incredible to see the students actually engaging and listening. So many cool things happened that night including Pedro, one of the students, sing to the worship, this was his first time ever singing in public like this! God blew all our minds and expectations of the night!! Afterward we debriefed about the night and the team shared stories of what happened. Karolina then shared how she felt that we need to usher the holy spirit in if anything was to happen and to cover this place in prayer. so we all picked a student to pray for specifically and just entered into a time of praying without stopping.

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Today the 13th was my finally day with the team. As we left CMA to go to a village I remembered the team still had my passport hidden so they had to go get it. But it was locked in a room so when Hannah wen to throw the key to Tiana so she could get my passport Hannah throws the key but instead of going to Tiana they went on the roof but luckily I could walk on this ledge shimmy around to a back porch and get into the room. So i got my passport back even tho i didn’t really want it back. We entered this village that Melisa, our CMA host/guide, works with and where a family has adopted her as their daughter. She shared some about the village and then we went on a walk around it. First place we came to was school house where a group was catching a chicken. Once they caught it they strung it up to kill it. In sheer shock and curiosity most of us watched as they killed the chicken. It was something you wanted to see but you couldn’t take your eyes off it…poor thing.  we walked around the circle that made up the village on one side was this wall that separated this poor village from this wealthy mans property but what was so cool was the wall was covered in art work. paintings of all kinds covered this wall in so many colors and pictures…it shined rays of hope and joy for this village. we made it back to Melisa’s adopted parents home where we had juice..some after it was time for me to leave but before that happened the team, my family, surrounded me and prayed over me. I then handed out personal notes to each of them that I had been writing the past few days. It was SO hard to leave these guys. I love them also much and wanted to be there to share in the rest of there overseas experiences and be apart of what God was doing in and through them. On my way to the airport I road with David’s dad, George. David was a student that had just came to CMA a day or two ago. On the way to airport and at the airport George shared about his son and why he was at CMA and over a meal that George payed for we shared stories and I prayed over him and David. As I walked to the plane i almost was in tears! my heart was still int he DR  with the CMA students and my DR team but God blessed me on that flight from DR to NJ because I got a row of three seats to myself, the two flight attendants where so funny and joking around with everyone the whole time, and when I went to buy a $9 meal the guy took my card handed it back to me winked to me and walked off. So i got a free meal. God knew I needed it. I had an incredible time in the DR and basically became part of the DR team. They are crazy and so diverse but they work so good together and God used them all in mighty was when I was there and after I left. So proud of all of them all!

Thanks for reading! continue to pray for the whole experience team as they enter the deep camp and then wander stage of the Experience! Excited to see what God as next for them all!


-Relentless Warrior


the team giving me there goodbye hugs

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I Love this team and would do anything for them! proud of you all!

Branson aka Cousin Chad


Grant aka Uncle Grant

Jesse aka Grandpa Disney



Hannah aka Aunt Gerney







Trent aka Dad

Adventures of the Experience: International (Part 1 Honduras)

The past 11 days while I was overseas have been some of the most incredible days of the summer.  I got to work with two awesome teams, one in Honduras and another in the Dominican Republic. It was a crazy adventure with a lot of different plane, bus, and taxi rides but also included many life long memories where I watched God show up in the teams in really amazing ways.  This Blog is first of two blogs covering my time overseas “Part 1 Honduras ” and next will be “Part 2 The Dominican Republic.”


Across the Seas 6/2-6/7 10376184_10203914292560593_3666657224698508223_n

My Honduras adventure started before I landed in the country and actually began in the Denver Airport as I was waiting to board the plane. As I was waiting for me plane to Texas then to Honduras i was reading my Bible and i happen to look over and there was this lady and it looked like she was reading a bible too and she was! as I was boarding the plane we had about a 30 second  conversation and found out she was headed to Honduras as well but this was her fourth trip. Once we landed in Huston around 1;30 we reconnected and then had close to a 2 hour conversation. Her name is Jami she has been to Honduras three times before for about a week each she is now over there for a little over a month and then she plans to, after graduating in a year, to move to Honduras for at least two years to live at a girls home in San Pedro Sula. We both shared stories of  different trips overseas we have been on, I shared about my time at KBM the past three years, and we also shared about our lives where we have come from and where God is taking us it was an awesome time that was life giving and a big encouragement to the both of us. We both then tried to get some sleep since it was about 3:30-4 am. somehow I manged to get a little shut eye, but I was soon awakened by what was a empty airport but now was a very busy and full airport within a hour. before we boarded we prayed over each other as we headed off for the same country but on different missions. I’m excited to see where God takes Jami where and whatever it is it’s going to be world changing.

When I landed my heart was very excited and i couldn’t wait to meet up the team. I had left about 7 hours after the Honduras team but was suppose to get there about 10 minutes before them but when I was headed down the escalator there was team Honduras to great me they had got there about 10 minutes before me! We got through customs pretty quickly. The airport lost power for a second that and the humidity really made reality sit in that i was once again overseas and i couldn’t be happier we were soon greeted by Marcia, who was on my experience team two years ago and hadn’t seen her since. _DSC0003I would have never imaged i would get to see this incredible women in her home country but God is good!

We all pilled in the van and made our way up through the mountain about 4 hours away to Copan where the team would be staying for about a little over a week. As we made our way there the team gazed out the windows in amazement at the beauty of the country side. We made a stop at a small gas station where some of us grabbed some cokes, for those that have been overseas and know what im talking about, Coke and over pop is so much better then it is in America.we finally made it to Copan and to Hotel MarJenny

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when we got to the hotel we explored around it was a nice hotel but very different from in america we made our way to the upper roof area where there was about 5 hammocks, it soon became our favorite place and every time we were at the hotel we where up in the hammocks.  As we got settled and enjoying the hammocks Devin pulled his Guitar out and we entered into a sweet time of worship. The team then had a meeting discussing what the their time there looked like or what it might look like. Overseas plans always change! While the meeting was going on you could see a storm roll over the mountains and head for us. Honduras is in its rainy season so this was, like clock work, a daily occasion. As the storm rolled in we all stopped what we were doing and watched it! It was a refreshing moment not only physically but spiritually as well and was a perfect beginning to the time in Honduras! That evening we headed into the town to eat dinner at Marcia’s favorite restaurant. we ended up eating there about 4 times in the amount of time i was there. It was really good food but it might be the cause of why i got sick for the last two days in Honduras. That night Loren Hayes, one of the leader, did his “hot seat” where you share you God stories.  It is in three to four stages. First you share your story, then people can ask questions, and those that listened to the story then speak encouragement and truth into the persons life, and then you finish by circling up and praying for them.  It is a awesome way to grow as a team and let God get the glory from your story. It is super powerful. try it sometime!

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The next day we started off with  a traditional Honduran breakfast and then spent some time for personal devotional and then headed back to the same restaurant for lunch and afterwords we went back to hotel and started getting ready to go on a hike to go see the Mayan Ruins but we got word that a bad storm was coming and wouldn’t be safe so we had to cancel those plans, which was slightly disappointing, but what more disappointing was that the storm never came… so we just took the afternoon to go down into the town center to a open square area where the team did a team building activity called “The Abyss!” If you know anything about this activity its frustrating and takes a bit of time to accomplish! one group of people took over 8 hours to complete! This team spent two hours up til dinner trying to figure it out but never did. I’m not sure if they have gone back to trying it but to my knowledge they haven’t completed it yet. About 30-40 minutes into the activity that storm, that was suppose to come around lunch time, came through and the team continued on soaking wet. While we watched the team try to figure it out the leaders met a couple that where missionaries in Copan. We got to hear their story and hear their heart for this area.  After drying off and getting dinner we gathered back in the hotel in our favorite spot and Jamey shared his “Hot Seat” about this time is when i started feeling sick with stomach pain and a head ache.

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The next morning I work up worse and skipped breakfast. The team was going to a village that day and I didn’t want to miss out because I was leaving the next day. Luckily by the time we were ready to leave i was feeling somewhat better so i joined in. I probably would have gone anyways just because of who i am and that im the photography and I “needed” to be there to take pictures.  We all pilled into the back of the truck and headed out. we went back through the mountains and then off the main road onto a dirty/rock/mud road to some remote mountain villages. Where Marcia and couple do a lot of work at. As soon as we arrived we were met by two little boys who soon ran back down the hill and about a minute later about 10 kids show up. most of them are really shy and wont come up to you but just starred and then ran off. As we entered the village we saw that there where a lot of kids in a classroom. We made our way into the school which consisted of one room with one teacher but 4-5 different grades. The next 30-40 minutes consisted of some introductions of who we are and where we were from and slowly the kids warmed up to us and the team did a few skits and songs and then the kids asked us questions and taught us a game. some of the team had a hard time engaging because they didn’t know Spanish and the kids didn’t know English for the exception of a few of the team that knew at least enough to have conversation but as time went on and as they went to another school house, which was a lot smaller, they began to look past he language barrier and started engaging more with the students with games, songs, chasing/being chased by the kids, and wrestling with them. Several of the Experience students began picking up some Spanish quickly and started interacting by speaking to some of the kids and adults which was cool to watch. The team came alive and loved well. i personally felt like crap and wanted to sleep but watching the team interact gave me life and i was able to capture some of these photos below. After spending time with these kids we headed out around lunch time and made our way down to a another village where there were some adult or elders of the village were who Marcia works with. They are going through a lot with little water supply, death and injuries, and spiritual darkness. The team and got to pray over the village and the people there. At this time my stomach stopped hurting but i then had some of the worst heartburn i’ve ever. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest with a knife. Andrea saw that i was not feeling good and turned from the group and prayed over me. pretty soon the heartburn decrease and i was feeling a little better. While I was sitting there a massive turkey decided to come right up to me and almost charge me. Id like to say i stood my ground… but it might  have it startled me and i might have jumped up and away pretty quickly, and a old lady might have come to my rescue and scared it off with a stick… but dint worry when it came back i stood my ground and even lightly kicked it away with my foot!

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I made my way to the bus station where i said my goodbyes to Marcia and got on the charter bus which took me back down the mountains 4 hours to San Pedro Sula where i spent the night in a  Hotel by myself. While at the hotel I tried to head out into the city to maybe buy something with my lempiras and get some food but the security guard tried to explain to me in Spanish that it was to dangerous to go out after dusk so I had to stay in the boundaries of the hotel, which lucky it was a very nice hotel almost like one in america. Since i could go out to get food i ordered Pizza Hut and spent the night at the pool swimming and eating pizza.


In the morning the taxi driver that brought me from bus stop station to hotel picket me up and took me to the airport. I found a gift shop inside and got to spend some of my lemiras. wow my time in Honduras was over before i realized it. Even though i was sick for most of it and only spent a few day there i really saw God work in the students lives as they interacted with the kids and themselves. God is doing some big things in there lives and can’t wait to hear all about it! Next stop Panama for a connecting flight and then its off to the Dominican Republic!!!

-Relentless Warrior

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Adventures of the Experience: The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (5-25-6/1)

5/25-6/1: A Catch Up on the Past Week


The past 8 days have been nothing short of incredible! Its been humbling to see God work in me personally and exciting to see how God is transforming the lives of the students. the next two day the students will be headed to Haiti, Honduras, and The Dominican Republic and God has really prepared them for this next stage is huge ways! This group is FULL of world changers! SO EXCITING!!

June 25-28th

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this was a time which i cant talk about that the KBM staff keeps secret so I cant share much but it was a time where the students bonded as a team they where pushed emotional, physically, and spiritual individually and as a team where in they found a lot out about themselves and each other and have grown a lot because of it. The one thing i can share about this is that at the beginning of they were told to think of a new name based off of Revelation 2:17 “I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it” these names are names that they feel God has given them. Names that they want to live into that God has called them to be. As a lot of people know God gave me a new name two years ago Relentless Warrior. SO at the end of the several day adventure they got to share their names with the group and explain what and or why they chose that name and then write their new name on a wall just like I and so many others have done in the past! Andrew Hochhalter’s new name  is Steadfast Warrior. click here to read about that. Other names include Cherished Stone(Bethany), Royal Fragrance(Karolina), Think Heart(Darren), Wildflower(Tiana), & Bold Lion (Ryan E). Its awesome to see them step out and into who God has created them to be and who He is calling them to be! 

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Once they have gotten back from the Adventure they jumped right back into more classroom teaching time from three or four different kbm itinerant  speakers over the next several day they heard from Adrian Despres, Mick Veach, Efrem Smith, and Jason Roe. With teachings about Apologetics,  Hope, Passion, Hermeneutics, The Great Commission, and Kingdom Culture along with Q&A with the speakers and times of worship.

 The night Rob taught on Kingdom Culture the idea “Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven” how Gods kingdom is in the future but also in the present. toward the end he had the students break up in groups and as groups think about and then illustrate through drawing what it might look like for God’s Kingdom come to earth. Every group had very different idea and illustrations. when they finished them they presented them but none of them came close to capturing the fullness of the Kingdom and from there it went into this overwhelming feeling of how vast God and His kingdom is and we stood, sat, and laid in His presence and entered into a beautiful time of worship just in pure aw of who God is! “How great is our God.” God’s Kingdom is, yes in the future, but also right now! Lets bring his Kingdom to earth in all we do and say!

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The next day the 31st after a session with Jason Roe on Evangelism the students then got to spend over 4 hours on the streets of downtown Denver to do street evangelism. Some some were nervous some scared but all excited to see what God was going to do. As we got close to the city we broke out in prayer asking that God’s Kingdom would come to to Denver, that lives would be impacted, and we would have eyes to see! And what happened was far beyond anything we could have wished for.  As the students went off in pairs to do ministry me and Gavin headed off out of the boundaries to a place i went with the 16 Day students last year called the Triangle. to hear what happened with us click HERE and read about the crazy, risky, and slightly dangerous mission we did on Gavin’s Blog.  Just going to say it was a sketchy place where prostitution, drug deals, assaults,  theft, and murders happen on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. The cops dont even really come down here but also its a broken place full of people, people who God loves and a place where someone must risk to share God’s love! The homeless are no less people then we are!


Ali, one of the guys we met around the triangle.


Once we got back to safer turf i broke off and walked down “main street” 16th street i ran in to this traveling band called Coyote String Band they were really good but i didn’t want to interrupt them as they played to talk with them so i just watched them play for a while and pet their dog and then I felt God was telling me to video them. i felt awkward doing that but didn’t want to miss a chance for God to do something so I asked them and they said sure so I got several videos of them playing as well as pictures of them. Before I left I asked if there was anything i could be praying for them about and they told me a few things and that was that nothing big happened, but I also got contact info from them to send them the videos and pictures i took of them so that could be a potential to grow our relationship and who knows maybe a way to witness to them.  _DSC0563

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       Dustin                   Kaite                    Annabelle                Will


they will have safety as the travel across the country, that they will run into Christians that share love with them and that they will feel that love, & that they will begin a relationship with God

After I left them i wandered for a bit but then saw this guy sitting at the corner of the street. I didn’t see him right away but was walking toward him b/c i saw another street band playing but once I saw him I knew I needed to talk with him. I asked his name he said Ian and then i asked to sit with him. I sat there with him and began some small talk but a minute or two later we were headed to a dinner for a meal. On the way to the dinner we talked and somehow it came up that I was a Christian. Once we got to the dinner we sat and got our menus. Ian hadn’t had a meal like this in a long time but he wasn’t sure what to get and didn’t want to get something to expensive but I made sure he knew he could get whatever he wanted and after a few minutes andme kind of picking for him he ordered a 12 or 16 once steak! I got to take a stranger who is homeless to a steak dinner! After he orders he went to wash up and when he came back he said ” hey can i ask you a serious question” and pointing to his head and then moving to his heart he asked “how did you get it from here to here?” head to heart. From that question for the next hour or so I shared some of my story and shared the gospel to him. I did what Adrian does some times when witnessing to people, and i had no idea what i was doing but felt led to do it so i did it, i tour the napkin into strips and when on to say, this is your life on the streets, this is your life w/ your friends, w/ possessions, and your life with yourself. I then asked him if you were to give these parts of your life to God which one would you give he said all but the “self” piece. I went on to listen to him and see why that was it came done to a fear of letting go and not having control, a fear of the unknown, and this idea that he isn’t good enough or worthy and I just got to share so much truth and love into his live of who he is in Christ and how God views him as perfect and blameless. I handed him the piece of paper that had self on it and I told him hold on to that and when your ready, not because I asked you to, but when you are ready to let go and give up “self” and let God have full control take that napkin piece out and give it over! He is so close and I do believe he will sometime soon! im waiting for that Facebook message or call from him and him saying “I did it!” until then join me in prayer for him! another cool thing from that was our waiter Alex seemed to be blessed by what happened and thanked me, im not sure what for, but he also then gave Ian a big drink cup to go for his drink. I think Alex and several other waiter/waitresses where impacted as well that night! 


That he will be able to come to the point and  surrender “self” for safety on the streets and that others Christians will come into his live and mentor him and help him. Find a way off the streets and safety as he travels, he wants to make his was to Oregon and that I can keep in contact with him and continue to speak truth into his life and his heart will understand and accept and know he is worth and he doesn’t have to fear letting go or the unknown.

As we all gathered and shared I got more and more excited as students shared stories about people the talked to and lives that where impacted. Garrett led one guy to the Lord, others shared meals with other, some prayed over people, some where answers to people prayers from the day before, others where an encouragement to fellow Christians who are on the street, for others it was a time that grew them and challenged them by either listening to peoples stories, opening up to their team mates or  pushing past their fears and stepping up and talking w/ and sharing God’s love to strangers! God’s Kingdom came upon Denver!

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Today the students went shopping for international stage and then went to a staff member’s house in their teams for lunch after that they came back had their last class teaching and then we ended the night with “Concert of Prayer”  A time of prayer and worship prayer as a whole and in small groups praying for each location the teams are going and the people they will be working with and ministering to as well as prayer for each other, the leaders, and travel. The last thing was the leaders anointed each student and they prayed over them as a commission to go and do! I got so excited looking at this happen and all the lives in this room and all the lives they will impact through Christ! They have had two weeks of being poured into and trained and now we send them out to pour into others! God is going to do some unbelievable things in and through all the students and leader! The next 18 days as they go out of the USA and into unknown areas God is going to rock the worlds the students and invade the lives of everyone they come in contact with!

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Keep the team in your prayers as they travel and interact with many different people. pray for boldness and willingness to step out in faith into situations, unity among the teams, hearts be softened and teachable for those they interact with and themselves as well, smooth travels, that some of them will have a “brave-heart” moment and do something HUGE, and that some will get a passion, vision, or calling to a area for the future!

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You have been Prayed for! hoping to be able to blog while overseas but not sure how that will work out if not follow KBM’s blog for updates on the teams!

– Relentless Warrior

Adventures of the Experience: Person Update

 Tomorrow the students begin the second stage of the Experience, The International Stage. Team DR and Honduras head out tomorrow and Haiti Leaves on the 3rd. I’m Headed out Tomorrow…well technically today as it is 12:30 right now. So i head out in a little over 20 hours by myself. The Honduras team leaves around 2pm and I leave at 9pm but I will arrive about 20 minutes before they do. This is what KBM has me doing ill be traveling to Honduras first and will be there for a few days and then travel to the DR to catch up with that team for about a week then I will be coming back to CO to work with the 16 Day team. I will be doing a lot of photography and video work for the teams for promotional stuff in the future and for the blog that you guys can follow to keep up with the teams as they are overseas. This is a really cool opportunity that KBM has given to me that fits me perfectly. (Travel + Photography + Ministry + Watching God work = My dream come true). But i would be lying if i didn’t say i was a little nervous! Because of this unique opportunity there will be a lot of traveling by myself from one location to another by taxi, bus, plane, and whatever else I might have to use along with staying in a city or two for a night by myself as well. so please keep me in your prayers that travel will go smooth and with no complications unless God has something for me and if that is the case, His will be done! The biggest thing is when i get to the DR I have about a 1hr 30 min to get to a bus station that is about a hour away to catch the DR team as they travel fro one spot to another so the there isn’t much grace time in there so pray that customs, taxi’s, and everything else there will go smooth and i can catch the team and not have to figure out a new way to get to them! This is the kind of things I will be doing in the future traveling to places doing crazy things so it will be good practice. I’m so pumped to see what God does in my in this time overseas. i will be out of the US for about 12 day. 

God has really been working in and through me in the past two weeks and i can say I have personal grown a lot. I have found freedom from sin through the time of open confession, I have been encouraged and challenged by the students as I have seen them step into freedom, boldness, and transparency, I have been reminded by many of the teachings from the speakers about who I am and Whose I am as well as what life is about. From that I have had this boldness and reckless abandonment for Christ like never before and my soul is foul and passionate about sharing my God in the way I live and intentionally going and sharing my faith, My soul has been awakened and im full of joy. I have found my passion for the lost again and my call to missions for the Dark Dangerous and Despised places of the globe. My focus is back on the mission, I have been side tracked and caught up in the business of the world and have forgotten that this isn’t my home but my mission field and until my time is up im going to fight with everything I have as God’s Relentless Warrior at the gates of hell as keeping as many people as possible away from that, whatever that take, even if that means my very life be sacrificed so be it! If one life would find Christ through my life it is all worth it! There is a world out there that has 2.91 Billion people and 5,840 people group that are unreached! That that soak in for a minute 


This in not our home and whatever happens to us now it doesn’t matter. dont stand before God and have Him ask why didnt you share my love with anyone? dont let feeling awkward or scared or the fear of persecution and death deter you from sharing God. this life will soon be over. God has given you this moment in time to do one thing to share the hope of eternal life to a dying world. That is it, one job one mission, dont waste your life on things that will fade and rot. May our mission be to lower that 2.91 billion in your life time!! My Soul has been awakened and nothing will stop me from sharing what God has done for me! 

so that is a little of what God has been placing on my heart and how he has challenged and grown me over the past two weeks. hope you will continue to pray for me as the summer goes on. 



daily surrender to Gods will for me

grow deeper in love with God

smooth travels overseas

Boldness and Courage to do whatever God calls me to do

a passion and love for the word

grow closer to the teams im working with 

keep a teachable heart 


begin discerning what might be my territory and next steps in where God is calling me to


Love you Guys you have been prayed for

may your souls be awakened and may live with reckless abandonment 


– Relentless Warrior

Adventures of the Experience: Growing Relationships 5/22-23

5/22 Power of God, Sad Goodbyes, & Guys Night 



I stayed the night at the hotel and when i woke up Garrett asked me “hey how did you sleep last night?” He had this concerned look on his face and then he goes on to explain that he woke up to me literally tossing in my bed and yelling in my sleep saying things like “I can’t get away and I cant out of this!” He said he was surprised that i didn’t wake up the whole  hotel, because I was yelling. The funny thing was that drew was in beside be in bed but some how i didn’t wake him up and he just slept through it all. Anyways Garrett thought I might have been having a nightmare and was about to go to sleep but then he felt God say no I woke you up for a reason and then he felt a dark presence in the room. He was a a little freaked out but then he got up came to the foot of the bed where i was and started praying over the room and my bed. I don’t know how long he prayed or what he said but there came a moment where all of a sudden he felt the evil presence leave the room and God’s presence fill it. He thought that this was because of two days ago when i confessed before the group about my struggle with porn and that it went deeper then a emotional problem but it was a spiritual one to. Spiritual Warfare is real thing and the devil has power BUT nothing compared to the power of God! I do believe there was some demonic presence around dwelling with me and through Garrett, God through him back to the pit of Hell.“THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS”  It has been so cool to get to know Garrett over the past few days and to know where he was a few years ago and to see him know it is awesome! He is so enthralled with God and passionate about serving him and its just a joy to watch him worship, soak in everything people tell and teach him, speak truth into others lives, and to   share his wisdom. It is a honor to know this man of God. If you want to  read about his story click here, where Gavin wrote a blog about post about him the other week.

 I had the morning off so after dropping the students off at KBM I went back to the hotel and chilled by the pool and went thrift shopping, which is kind of a addiction i have. Today was also a sad day because Biff left. Biff is a fellow experience alum from my year 2012. She was up here for two weeks hanging out and helping around the office. Biff is one of my closest friends who i consider as my little big sister. I would do anything for her. She has just a deep joy in her that brings life and energy to everyone around her. she loves to serve, especially when someone has dirty dishes.  She is currently living in Charleston going to Dental school and dating this stud of a guy who is a incredible man of God and a musician. He leads worship at two churches, can play basically every instrument,  oh and he has awesome dreads, so I Approve!  It is been so awesome to see how God has really impacted her life over the past two years and to see where she is now in contrary to where she was when I met her two years ago. Biff you are the best love you so much and we all at the office miss you like crazy! Thanks for being you

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10177437_594822594689_2798227724321352319_nBiff: Pray that her remaining time in CO with her family will be a blessed time as they are at a wedding for a cousin of theirs. That there relationship as siblings grows and goes deeper in new ways. pray that they all have safety traveling back to SC. Pray for a blessing upon her and Robbie’s relationship and as they grow closer to each other it will only strengthen their relationship with God Individually and  as a couple and pray that as she is in dental School she can be that witness to her fellow students and that she will have energy to a understatement in her classes so she will stay on top of her grades. 




Tonight was Girl and Guys night out. so all the Guys pilled onto Thor and we headed to Chick-fil-A where we stormed in and  took it over. It was cool to see how these guys respected the employees and made their job easier. They really represented God well and has several people come up to us to ask where we were from and who we were with because they saw something different in us. Doesn’t mean we weren’t a little loud and rambunctious but they acted out of the love they have for God and the employees actually enjoyed having all of us there, besides having to make and prepare all that food at one time! LOVE THESE MEN! … Solomon, the guy from Kenya, got to experience Chick-Fil-A for the first time, He loved it!


Solomon, Andrew, Micheal, Me @ Chick-fil-a

After we ate we headed to Colin’s house to hang out and have man time. which started by eating ice cream. Colin as this didgeridoo and several of us tried to play it but most of us failed and then Colin showed us all up!!


Photo credit: Darren Yau

Then we gathered in the living room to have man talk. We were struggling to fit everyone in the room with is so AWESOME because we have been praying for years and years that we would have more guys and then girls on the team and this year it finally happened with 16 guys and 12 girls! My team, in 2012, was 7 guys and 20 girls so having this ratio that we do is a huge answer to prayer! Solomon shared the rights of passage in the Maasai culture in which a boy becomes a man and the different stages of being a man, from warrior (the Moran)all the way to an elder. The staff then asked the question “what is a man?” it was difficult to define and that is because there is no set definition of what makes a man. From there we just sat around discussing and talking about what a man is and the staff answered any questions the students might have. It was a bonding time for all the guys in a very unique and “man” way and just strengthen the brotherhood that is already really awesome!


GUYS:Find men, fathers, husbands, grandfathers and let them speak truth into your life. You might think you have it all figured out and you are good to go but let me break it to you YOU DONT KNOW EVERYTHING! Actually you know very little. If its your own father awesome, if you dont have that in your life, find a father figure or other Godly men and just take them out to coffee and let them speak wisdom into your life. They have a lot to offer!



The MEN: that they will grow closer to each other. that they will continue or start to let God define them . that they will be MEN! That they will learn how to lead and to serve and that they will seek to honor God with their lives over anyone else. 

5/23 Castlewood Canyon & Sabbath 


They students got picket up from the hotel at 9 am and then we headed to Castlewood Canyon State Park to enjoy a Sabbath together. Where we spent the day enjoying each others company and hiked, climbed, exploring, ENOing, sleeping, reading, or whatever else that was relaxing and refilling for each of us. I spent the day with some of the students scaling/rock climbing up the side of the canyon and made it to the top to enjoy a incredible view of the surrounding land! i might have busted my knee open while i was exploring in the canyon there was a “sand” bank that was at a steep angle and a creek below it and me and several others thought the best way to cross was to run on this steep bank to get to the other side, instead of walking through the creek. I was the test dummy and went for it. I only made it a  few feet when my feet slipped out and the bank that looked like soft sand, which was actually a very hard packed sand, rock, and dirt mix, that when a knee hits the knee looses very quickly! But whats an adventure with out a little blood! Well that is at least my motto!


At the top we took some photos of the group that was there, yelled down into the canyon, and worshiped God by yelling his name.

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Then we hurried back down where we had our sac lunched but at the same time it desired to rain and hail a little bit so we all headed for the trees or under rocks. luckily the rain passed quickly and we ate our lunches in the sun. While we ate Shannon Boyd talked about what a Sabbath looks like and the importance of having a Sabbath.


As another storm rolled in we made our way to the buses and headed back but then we surprised the students by stopping at Chick-Fil-A where Dwight was there and he treated us all to Milkshakes! Once we got back to Aurora we had a few hours before Team dinners so i hung out at the hotel with the students and we had some more bro time but this time in the hot tub and pool! Have I said I love they guys well I LOVE THESE GUYS!!!



Tonight we had  International team dinners im with team DR, Umikumalua Pueos, we ate the Brights house which was phenomenal!They have two massive dogs which we played with and they also breed exotic birds with about 50 pairs in a barn and we got to hold some of the babies that they had in their basement.  After dinner we gathers and just talked as a team. something that was cool was that this team has really bonded and come together! They have are a dream team but as the leaders Laura and Nate talked to them and asked them questions it led into a time where the students stared to encourage each other and point out strength each of them bring to the team, this wasn’t even planned but like I was saying this team is awesome! After we rapped it up all the guys got around the piano and with Darren playing we just started singing. What started as goofing off and us guys singing in really manly voices ended up as a time of worship with the whole team. It’s so cool to see the guys lead in this way and not be ashamed to sing no matter how good or bad our voices might be! Im so excited for this team and to see how they grow and and challenged and that goes for all three teams!

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The International Teams: As they come closer to going overseas pray that they will unit as a team and look past themselves and look to the team as a hold, difficult times area a head but also beautiful and exciting times of growth await to! 


5/21: Working Hard, Tornado , and Biker Club

Today was a great day. I felt refreshed and renewed after late nights confession. I felt Satan trying to attack me but I just shouted the name of Jesus and reminded him that I am Jesus’s child redeemed and set free so he can get the heck out of here! JESUS!!! Today was a busy day as well we interns and several staff spent most of the day, with small breaks to each, in the office finishing up the Spiritual Life Notebooks as well as sorting, printing, folding, stuffing, and organizing hundreds and hundreds of newsletters for some of the speakers ands staff. luckily we had some machines that folded, stamped, and sealed the letters but we still had to do a lot of work by had as well and some of the machines Recoh (the printer/copier/faxer) and Phill (the stamper/letter sealer) had a temperament and decided to jam, not print, or just stop working all together over and over again but we made it through with a little of our sanity left. it was a very long day in the office. today we also had hail and another tornado warning. our outdoor classroom decided to blow away and a about 8 of us had to go run it down before it flew into the dare care down the street.  about that time a siren went off, I’m guessing for a tornado warning. It was so fascinating and a little ire watching, right above us, the clouds move so fast and going ever witch direction and swirling around in circular motion. part of me wanted to see a funnel form right then and there, but no such luck. It just began to rain and hail and then 10 minutes later it  was sunny again #ColoradoWeather!



Once we got about done with all the work in the office our dinner guest rode up! Tonight was a cultural dinner where the  bike club Soldiers for Jesus. At first glance they could look intimidating, with their beards, tattoos, slicked back hair, black leather jackets, and load bikes but they area some of the most warm hearted, funny, &  friendly  people you could ever meet! They might be rough on the edges but they have a huge heart for God and a boldness that not many Christians have. The are people have a special calling on life to reach the 1%ers. To share the love of Christ with them by just being there for them and living life with them. We got to sit around the tables an hear stories about and from them some really funny and others powerful and challenging. towards the end of dinner they came up and shared about who they are and what they do. some tuff people but so awesome as well!





Gavin and Skyler had the evening off and headed home around 6 so I stayed the night at the hotel with the students. it was really awesome getting to chill in the pool and lobby with some of the students and see them interact with each other. I watched as 28 students, who a week ago didn’t know anything beside a name a picture of each other, have conversations, speak truth into, laugh, and challenge each other life they have known each other for years. they truly have become a awesome family and its only been a week! cant wait to see how this team develops over the rest of the summer! they have a lot a head of them!


S.F.J. MC: pray for their safety and their ministry as they ride around and interact with the different clubs around the CO area and the Club as a whole all over the world.


-Relentless Warrior