Reflections on the Summer

Looking Back 

have had some time to reflect on my summer and wanted to share some of my take aways enjoy!

Looking back on my summer and my time overseas I can see how much God really did in me and how much the places and people had an impact on me. Some of the biggest lessons I learned this summer came in ways I never thought. One thing that was evident throughout the whole summer was this idea of not having to be everywhere all the time. To be able to sit back and not be where the event was happening. I didn’t have to be there for the team. Basically I was reminded it wasn’t all about me and I had to get over myself and let the team go and do things that I didn’t have to be a part of. This happened a lot this summer with me traveling overseas but only being in each locations for a several days to a week while the teams were in their location for 18 days, also there was a week where they were in a city in the US and no leaders were with them and also a lot of other things here and there during their time in Colorado. This was really humbling because I love being in the middle of everything and always love seeing what God is doing and being a part of it so sitting back is not in my nature. Another big take away from this summer is just feeling and being reminded of God’s love for me. Coming into the summer I was coming out of a very low and dark time in my life personally and I needed a change. This summer did just that. I wasn’t fixed or had all problems sorted out but I did feel Gods presences again in a very personal way time and time again this summer and just a sweet reminder that I am his cherished son. One of the biggest blessings I had this summer and reaffirmed that this is something I want to do the rest of my life. That was living life with these incredible 27 men and women and watching them let God do a mighty work in their lives as they let go and found new hope and identity in Christ, were broken, challenged, found courage and boldness, walked it obedience, stepped into leadership or down into servant-hood, and found a life purpose and vision and are then sent back into the world. Being a part of something so life changing is the best reward I could ever ask for and having my life changed and challenged by and along with the Experience students is just icing on the cake … well  maybe a scoop of ice cream and hot fudge covering it as well. Another thing that was reaffirmed and strengthened in me is my call to missions. Last summer I surrendered my call to overseas missions and this summer is has been, over and over again, reaffirmed. From conversations to the actual time overseas, to small nudging from God, specific class room and Deep Camp messages, and then lastly Slingshot, where I got conformation from God and really got focused on a specific location, Ukerewe Island (Albino Island) in Tanzania on Lake Victoria. Read about Slingshot HERE. It looks like a little over a year from now in the fall or early winter I’ll be going on a scouting trip either by myself or with one other person for about 10-14 days to see what kind needs are there and hopefully get a vision to start a kingdom movement there among the locals and persecuted albinos there. Lastly I just have found more joy and opportunities in using my passion for photography and videography and discovered a world of opportunities that come with a camera.

I think if I had to describe the summer for me in one word it be the word ‘Awakened’ or ‘Revived.’  My soul was refreshed and awakened this summer. Over the past year I had been distracted by the busyness of life and I lost sight of my calling and purpose, but now im refocused and recharged to go and do the mission, the great co-mission with God to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” I have rediscovered the joy in my salvation, felt Gods love, grace, and presence and refocused on the whole purpose of life. My Soul has been reawakened. It is hard to put words to what exactly I went through and what I experienced this summer and for the most part there aren’t really words to accurately describe it but that is just part of living a life for God, you just can’t quite capture it and through that I think comes the great opportunity to inspire others to go and the same, to go experience God for themselves in new and exciting ways that will strengthen, challenge, grow them im awesome way and they will further the kingdom.

Relentless Warrior


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