Life Is Precious

Over the past week my life, my friends lives, and the lives of those around the world have been struck with tragedy. Some of you knew or at least heard about the Blackburn shooting up in Indianapolis where a missionary couple who working at a church plant had their house broken into and Amanda Blackburn and her unborn child where killed by the intruders. ( watch his amazingly powerful interview here  & part 2 here) This morning I get word that a friend of mine and many other people I know, Nate George, passed away unexpectedly. A young married man full of life. Along with the Paris ISIS attacks and the persecution and chaos of the refugees fleeing their home countries out of fear of their lives.  all this reminds me of the verse in on James “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”  James 4:14
Its hard to find peace and answers for such difficult times. The questions race through many of our minds of “why him or why her?” “how could God let something like this happen?” “has God forgotten us?!” … NO God hasn’t forgotten us BUT we live in a world that is full of evil and sin. God loves us so much that he lets us choose to follow him or not and in that he lets us also decide to sin or not. Sadly a lot of  the world has decided to take their own path. They have decide to reject the free gift that God gives us. Doesn’t mean God stops loving them! His heart breaks  for those that cause the pain as much as those that receive the pain. its crazy to think that God loves those in ISIS as much as he loves us a orphan child or a good old southern boy!  God calls us to love those people too. that’s not a easy thing to swallow or even easy to do but that’s what we are called to!  People look at these moments and questions God but for me it makes me push into him even more. It reminds me how much darkness is in the world, and how hopeless people are without Christ, it emboldens me and makes my burden for the lost even stronger. This doesn’t make the loss of a friend, co-worker, wife, or mentor easier by any means. but please in these moments press into God more instead of running away. We cant see the full picture of what God is painting with our lives. we see a tragedy and only see hurt and loss. We can only see a  tiny spec of the picture, while God is working on a master piece of our lives and  unto its finished, when we all are called home, we wont fully see what He has been is working on. We have to trust that what he is up to is good and beautiful. who knows what those brush strokes of “loss and pain” actually will become they might become brush stokes of “redemption and freedom.” Trust Him in the pain, lean into him in the pain, and grow closer to him in the pain. I’m also reminded how precious life is and how often we take it for granted, either our own life  or those around us. life is short and again our plans aren’t always God’s plans. Live your life as if it was you last. Who would you spend your last day on earth with, what relationships who you mend, where would you go, what would you do, how would you act and what would you do differently? Cherish every moment you have but also LIVE! go and do and be. Have an adventure, risk a little bit more, talk a little less but listen a little more! For us Christians we have have hope after this life but many including refugees, the homeless man in town, the drug addict on your street, the prostitute, the sick, the terrorist, and single women who decided to abort her child, if they don’t have Christ, they are hopeless, so if it wasn’t your last day but was for one of them…how would you interact differently, how would you talk with them, what would you share with them? The thing is none of us know when are time will come. None of us are promised tomorrow. ALL life is precious! How will you make sure someone you come in contact with today knows that their life matters?

Thanks for reading my rambling, welcome to my mind! but really hope you where challenged to think a little differently after reading this.  Go enjoy life with those you love but maybe haven’t had much time with them lately, tell your mom and dad you love them, take a friend out grab a beer or water and talk about life and the deep stuff, and maybe just maybe pray for a stranger, talk with a homeless person, or just share love with someone that might not get it anywhere else! we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Jesus thinks every life matters do you?

you rock,

Jon Stegenga




Nate George, thanks for being you! your live for life and God was inspiring. you had a way to engage teens with the bible and caused people to think deeper and still  have fun! Guys lock-in, lick it for 10, “slap of the bass” and many more great memories will be remembered! you truly where a stud and Heaven has gained a great one!


Davey and Amanda Blackburn, thanks for serving God faithfully and fully. I didn’t you know but thank you for sacrificing so much for the Gospel. Amanda your passion for God, life, your family will no be forgotten! the Kingdom of God grew and will continue to grow throughout Indianapolis  because of your faithfulness. Davey stay strong, continue to lean into God, let him use this tragedy for his glory! you are strong and many will come to know God because of you, your wife, and child! 


Refugees, You are not forgotten. God love you and the Church is here for you! may God show himself to you and may a massive kingdom movement happen through you guys


Global Reaction To The Terrorist Attack On French Newspaper Charlie Hebdo

PARIS, FRANCE We morn with you and are here for you! you are strong and will will endure. I pray God shows himself through this tragedy!

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