Adventures of the Experience: Growing Relationships 5/22-23

5/22 Power of God, Sad Goodbyes, & Guys Night 



I stayed the night at the hotel and when i woke up Garrett asked me “hey how did you sleep last night?” He had this concerned look on his face and then he goes on to explain that he woke up to me literally tossing in my bed and yelling in my sleep saying things like “I can’t get away and I cant out of this!” He said he was surprised that i didn’t wake up the whole  hotel, because I was yelling. The funny thing was that drew was in beside be in bed but some how i didn’t wake him up and he just slept through it all. Anyways Garrett thought I might have been having a nightmare and was about to go to sleep but then he felt God say no I woke you up for a reason and then he felt a dark presence in the room. He was a a little freaked out but then he got up came to the foot of the bed where i was and started praying over the room and my bed. I don’t know how long he prayed or what he said but there came a moment where all of a sudden he felt the evil presence leave the room and God’s presence fill it. He thought that this was because of two days ago when i confessed before the group about my struggle with porn and that it went deeper then a emotional problem but it was a spiritual one to. Spiritual Warfare is real thing and the devil has power BUT nothing compared to the power of God! I do believe there was some demonic presence around dwelling with me and through Garrett, God through him back to the pit of Hell.“THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS”  It has been so cool to get to know Garrett over the past few days and to know where he was a few years ago and to see him know it is awesome! He is so enthralled with God and passionate about serving him and its just a joy to watch him worship, soak in everything people tell and teach him, speak truth into others lives, and to   share his wisdom. It is a honor to know this man of God. If you want to  read about his story click here, where Gavin wrote a blog about post about him the other week.

 I had the morning off so after dropping the students off at KBM I went back to the hotel and chilled by the pool and went thrift shopping, which is kind of a addiction i have. Today was also a sad day because Biff left. Biff is a fellow experience alum from my year 2012. She was up here for two weeks hanging out and helping around the office. Biff is one of my closest friends who i consider as my little big sister. I would do anything for her. She has just a deep joy in her that brings life and energy to everyone around her. she loves to serve, especially when someone has dirty dishes.  She is currently living in Charleston going to Dental school and dating this stud of a guy who is a incredible man of God and a musician. He leads worship at two churches, can play basically every instrument,  oh and he has awesome dreads, so I Approve!  It is been so awesome to see how God has really impacted her life over the past two years and to see where she is now in contrary to where she was when I met her two years ago. Biff you are the best love you so much and we all at the office miss you like crazy! Thanks for being you

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10177437_594822594689_2798227724321352319_nBiff: Pray that her remaining time in CO with her family will be a blessed time as they are at a wedding for a cousin of theirs. That there relationship as siblings grows and goes deeper in new ways. pray that they all have safety traveling back to SC. Pray for a blessing upon her and Robbie’s relationship and as they grow closer to each other it will only strengthen their relationship with God Individually and  as a couple and pray that as she is in dental School she can be that witness to her fellow students and that she will have energy to a understatement in her classes so she will stay on top of her grades. 




Tonight was Girl and Guys night out. so all the Guys pilled onto Thor and we headed to Chick-fil-A where we stormed in and  took it over. It was cool to see how these guys respected the employees and made their job easier. They really represented God well and has several people come up to us to ask where we were from and who we were with because they saw something different in us. Doesn’t mean we weren’t a little loud and rambunctious but they acted out of the love they have for God and the employees actually enjoyed having all of us there, besides having to make and prepare all that food at one time! LOVE THESE MEN! … Solomon, the guy from Kenya, got to experience Chick-Fil-A for the first time, He loved it!


Solomon, Andrew, Micheal, Me @ Chick-fil-a

After we ate we headed to Colin’s house to hang out and have man time. which started by eating ice cream. Colin as this didgeridoo and several of us tried to play it but most of us failed and then Colin showed us all up!!


Photo credit: Darren Yau

Then we gathered in the living room to have man talk. We were struggling to fit everyone in the room with is so AWESOME because we have been praying for years and years that we would have more guys and then girls on the team and this year it finally happened with 16 guys and 12 girls! My team, in 2012, was 7 guys and 20 girls so having this ratio that we do is a huge answer to prayer! Solomon shared the rights of passage in the Maasai culture in which a boy becomes a man and the different stages of being a man, from warrior (the Moran)all the way to an elder. The staff then asked the question “what is a man?” it was difficult to define and that is because there is no set definition of what makes a man. From there we just sat around discussing and talking about what a man is and the staff answered any questions the students might have. It was a bonding time for all the guys in a very unique and “man” way and just strengthen the brotherhood that is already really awesome!


GUYS:Find men, fathers, husbands, grandfathers and let them speak truth into your life. You might think you have it all figured out and you are good to go but let me break it to you YOU DONT KNOW EVERYTHING! Actually you know very little. If its your own father awesome, if you dont have that in your life, find a father figure or other Godly men and just take them out to coffee and let them speak wisdom into your life. They have a lot to offer!



The MEN: that they will grow closer to each other. that they will continue or start to let God define them . that they will be MEN! That they will learn how to lead and to serve and that they will seek to honor God with their lives over anyone else. 

5/23 Castlewood Canyon & Sabbath 


They students got picket up from the hotel at 9 am and then we headed to Castlewood Canyon State Park to enjoy a Sabbath together. Where we spent the day enjoying each others company and hiked, climbed, exploring, ENOing, sleeping, reading, or whatever else that was relaxing and refilling for each of us. I spent the day with some of the students scaling/rock climbing up the side of the canyon and made it to the top to enjoy a incredible view of the surrounding land! i might have busted my knee open while i was exploring in the canyon there was a “sand” bank that was at a steep angle and a creek below it and me and several others thought the best way to cross was to run on this steep bank to get to the other side, instead of walking through the creek. I was the test dummy and went for it. I only made it a  few feet when my feet slipped out and the bank that looked like soft sand, which was actually a very hard packed sand, rock, and dirt mix, that when a knee hits the knee looses very quickly! But whats an adventure with out a little blood! Well that is at least my motto!


At the top we took some photos of the group that was there, yelled down into the canyon, and worshiped God by yelling his name.

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Then we hurried back down where we had our sac lunched but at the same time it desired to rain and hail a little bit so we all headed for the trees or under rocks. luckily the rain passed quickly and we ate our lunches in the sun. While we ate Shannon Boyd talked about what a Sabbath looks like and the importance of having a Sabbath.


As another storm rolled in we made our way to the buses and headed back but then we surprised the students by stopping at Chick-Fil-A where Dwight was there and he treated us all to Milkshakes! Once we got back to Aurora we had a few hours before Team dinners so i hung out at the hotel with the students and we had some more bro time but this time in the hot tub and pool! Have I said I love they guys well I LOVE THESE GUYS!!!



Tonight we had  International team dinners im with team DR, Umikumalua Pueos, we ate the Brights house which was phenomenal!They have two massive dogs which we played with and they also breed exotic birds with about 50 pairs in a barn and we got to hold some of the babies that they had in their basement.  After dinner we gathers and just talked as a team. something that was cool was that this team has really bonded and come together! They have are a dream team but as the leaders Laura and Nate talked to them and asked them questions it led into a time where the students stared to encourage each other and point out strength each of them bring to the team, this wasn’t even planned but like I was saying this team is awesome! After we rapped it up all the guys got around the piano and with Darren playing we just started singing. What started as goofing off and us guys singing in really manly voices ended up as a time of worship with the whole team. It’s so cool to see the guys lead in this way and not be ashamed to sing no matter how good or bad our voices might be! Im so excited for this team and to see how they grow and and challenged and that goes for all three teams!

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The International Teams: As they come closer to going overseas pray that they will unit as a team and look past themselves and look to the team as a hold, difficult times area a head but also beautiful and exciting times of growth await to! 


5/21: Working Hard, Tornado , and Biker Club

Today was a great day. I felt refreshed and renewed after late nights confession. I felt Satan trying to attack me but I just shouted the name of Jesus and reminded him that I am Jesus’s child redeemed and set free so he can get the heck out of here! JESUS!!! Today was a busy day as well we interns and several staff spent most of the day, with small breaks to each, in the office finishing up the Spiritual Life Notebooks as well as sorting, printing, folding, stuffing, and organizing hundreds and hundreds of newsletters for some of the speakers ands staff. luckily we had some machines that folded, stamped, and sealed the letters but we still had to do a lot of work by had as well and some of the machines Recoh (the printer/copier/faxer) and Phill (the stamper/letter sealer) had a temperament and decided to jam, not print, or just stop working all together over and over again but we made it through with a little of our sanity left. it was a very long day in the office. today we also had hail and another tornado warning. our outdoor classroom decided to blow away and a about 8 of us had to go run it down before it flew into the dare care down the street.  about that time a siren went off, I’m guessing for a tornado warning. It was so fascinating and a little ire watching, right above us, the clouds move so fast and going ever witch direction and swirling around in circular motion. part of me wanted to see a funnel form right then and there, but no such luck. It just began to rain and hail and then 10 minutes later it  was sunny again #ColoradoWeather!



Once we got about done with all the work in the office our dinner guest rode up! Tonight was a cultural dinner where the  bike club Soldiers for Jesus. At first glance they could look intimidating, with their beards, tattoos, slicked back hair, black leather jackets, and load bikes but they area some of the most warm hearted, funny, &  friendly  people you could ever meet! They might be rough on the edges but they have a huge heart for God and a boldness that not many Christians have. The are people have a special calling on life to reach the 1%ers. To share the love of Christ with them by just being there for them and living life with them. We got to sit around the tables an hear stories about and from them some really funny and others powerful and challenging. towards the end of dinner they came up and shared about who they are and what they do. some tuff people but so awesome as well!





Gavin and Skyler had the evening off and headed home around 6 so I stayed the night at the hotel with the students. it was really awesome getting to chill in the pool and lobby with some of the students and see them interact with each other. I watched as 28 students, who a week ago didn’t know anything beside a name a picture of each other, have conversations, speak truth into, laugh, and challenge each other life they have known each other for years. they truly have become a awesome family and its only been a week! cant wait to see how this team develops over the rest of the summer! they have a lot a head of them!


S.F.J. MC: pray for their safety and their ministry as they ride around and interact with the different clubs around the CO area and the Club as a whole all over the world.


-Relentless Warrior


  5/19-20: Rest, Office, DAWG, & Confession


I had the first half the day off so once i got to KBM in the morning I slipped into the prayer room and had a great 3-4 hour nap.  I spent most of the rest of the day in the office putting together spiritual life notebooks and working on other projects. I got to make a airport run to the airport to pick up one of the itinerant speakers and his wife. Foster and  Laura Christy from SC.  The students had another day of classes with lessons from Dwight, Fred and Nate.


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5/20: DAWG & Confession


Started the day by picking up the students from the hotel and drove them straight out to Cherry Creek Park where Nate Hoot taught a lesson and then the students were sent out on a DAWG “Date Alone With God” for about two hours.  During this time i walked around a little and observed a few of the students on their DAWGS, two of which where Solomon and Jesse R. (aka: Old Man Rivers) and while watching them be with God I was truly blesses and reflected on myself and my relationship with God. These two men i feel have more to offer then to learn this summer. Their intimacy with God is crazy and contagious. I watched as Solomon stood on the shore of the lake and raise his hands to heaven and talked to his Father and I watched as Jesse stood in the lake and sang praises to his King with reckless abandonment fully engaged with the Spirit. If only we all could be like Jesse and Solomon more  and live with no care in the world beside serving and loving Him with all of us! so I was blessed to just observes them for a while. As I was headed back to the shelter to had some of my own personal DAWG time Dwight showed up and he walked up to me and told me that he personally has been so blessed with me being here and its been a big encouragement having me here this summer. He also said he  has been praying for people like me to be apart off this ministry since the beginning. I didn’t know what to say and I don’t know why he said that  I don’t see anything great about me at all. Here is this great man of God, the founder of KBM saying these things to a intern who is a no buddy. truly humbling. so I sent some time alone on my own little DAWG reflecting on what Dwight said and the past week I’ve been here. It was good to sit and do nothing and just rest in God’s presence I think it was the first time I was able to do that since being out here. I made way to the roof of the shelter with a folding chair listening to some worship music watching two Bald Eagles soar over the lake just blown away by the power, beauty, and love of my Heavenly Father. Then I heard Jesse, who was over 100yrds away singing on the top of his lounges praises to God! I just sat there listening to him and was challenged, why don’t I worship and sing like that. why do I hold back when others are around. Jesse is teaching me so much by just being himself.

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 Around 2:30 most of us went into the training room where we entered into a incredible and powerful time of worship which transitioned into a time of  prayer and confession led by Foster and about the same time some crazy weather came in and we got some tornado warnings and some marble size hail for about 10 minutes and with ten minutes after that it was sunny again.

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  When this started most of the staff and interns left and gathered inside a side room and lifted the students up in prayer. Knowing what this time has done in the past for so many people and the freedom it brings we were excited to see what God was about to do.  After prayer several of us joined the students. Right  away you could  feel that the room was  filled with the Holy Spirit. I watched as students one by one stood up and confessed sins and shared about struggles from everyone on the spectrum and watched as the students pored truth into each other as they surrounded one another and lifted them up in prayer. While this was happening my heart began to pound but I didn’t want to take away from the students time so I held off when we braked from lunch I was talking to two of the students Drew and Andrew as well as Gavin and then I broke and started to cry. At this time Foster happened to sit down beside me and listened in. I shared about how this past year has been a really dark time for me personally and how Pornography, something I thought I had defeated, crept back into my life and for the past 7-8 months it has haunted me and I couldn’t seem to find victory over it. I would txt someone about it and we would talk for a second or two and I even blogged about it to but I never really confessed it before a group of people I hid it and acted like I was good and that I was defeating it while in truth It was defeating me. I was controlled by it and through this my self worth and identity was defined by my sin. I was this no good person that no one could use. I was this porn addict that found himself looking at porn  two-five times a week. I found that every area of my life was suffering and i was in a pit with no ladder, rope, or any way of escape. As I finished sharing this Foster, he asked if it was something I needed to share with the whole group and said he would open up the floor after lunch for anyone else who felt led to share and if I felt the need too I could.  during lunch I felt the oppression of Satan fighting me and telling me you don’t have to share but because of that I did. Foster opened the floor back up after lunch and I was the first one up. He had me come to the front and there I told everyone what I had been fighting. You would think that I would feel shame and guilt but all I felt was love and freedom from the people in there and from God. I had let shame define me but now I am letting God define me and i feel no shame because of on simple word, GRACE!  After I finished sharing the guys from the team surrounded me and prayed  over me. They spoke such truth and freedom into my life. In a moment where I could have felt utter shame and regret I only felt love. I felt more love in that moment then I have ever felt before. Jesse Rivers said something right before lunch that really hit me. He was sharing with the group about how he dealt with something and wasn’t getting anywhere until God told him, “stop fighting this stop trying to defeat this and just look at me!!” BOOM that will preach!!! LOOK TO GOD NOT YOUR SIN! After that several more students opened up about things in there life that they struggle with from having a hard time trusting b/c of broken trust in the past to hate and pain they felt with their family. This time was huge for so many people including myself. People were sharing things they have never told anyone before, some people felt loved and accepted for the first time, so many people found freedom and saw a glimpse of what truth Christian community could look like. This group of 28 students from all other the world have become a family among each other and among the staff as well. It is a beautiful thing what happened  that was probably a little scary, hard, and awkward at times but from this new life blossoms! The day ended with Foster talking about grace and what it live into and out of the u]fullness of that!

unnamed (1) unnamed unnamed (2)


THE STUDENTS & ME: pray that they will fill the love of God so strongly and tht they can live in freedom form their past. Pray that they will not allow Satan to attack them and have them regret confessing because Satan hates what just happened and will do whatever he can to put me and the students back into those chains that have held us for so long. pray for continual growth in each of the students personally and among each other and the staff. that they will continue to open up and share and let grace and God’s view of them, perfect, define them and nothing else!


you are loved and prayed for!

-Relentless Warrior












Adventures of the Experience: Boulder

5/18: Unexpected Blessings & Beautiful Sights 


Steve and Dolleta in Starbucks

These two people I met yesterday morning when we went into Boulder, CO for some teaching and a hike.  As Rob started his lesson with the students on “God, Reintroduction” in a grassy area in the town I went to find me some Starbucks, because I have to have my coffeeI can function especially since today  started at 5 am. I was in line waiting trying to figure out what i want to order, which always is a struggle, when a man behind me asked asked someone if they could buy him a cup of coffee when the guy said no my heart raced knowing this would be a chance to help someone. I told him i would get him a drink. I asked what his name was he said it was Dillon, but that was pretty much as far as I got from him besides really small talk. he said he was schizophrenic and while I was sitting with him he left to try and talk to other people. I tried to ask him about himself and is views of God but didn’t really get anywhere. Pray that Dillon will be surrounded by people that love him and he will feel that love and God’s love.  While Dillon got up to talk to someone else I began a conversation with Dolleta, the women in the picture above. She just needed someone to listen to her, so i just sat there listening to her asking a few small questions. I found out that she has a 25 year old son that isnt really in her live now and right now she is looking for a house to live in but there is been a lot of complications so please pray that some how she can reconnect with her son and that she will find a home to move into that she can afford. Dillon came back and it was about time to leave so i asked if i could pray for him he seems ok and a little excited for me to pray for him so I did. As I was leaving  i went by Dolleta to say goodbye by this time Steve was sitting there. About five minutes earlier Steve walked in and came up to John Boyd, one of the KBM staff members, and asked if he would buy him a cup of coffee. At that moment the Starbucks  workers called John drink and John just gave Steve his coffee. So Steve and Dolleta where both there and while I was telling them both goodbye Steve is like hey let me pray over you! It was  short but powerful pray that I will never forget. After he finished his pray I then intern prayed over them. when i finished Steve asked if he could have the para-cord bracelet that i was wearing, so i gave it to him. He said he would never lose it and keep it forever. As i tried to put it on it was very tight and it was pinching his skin a little but he just kept saying no just do it, get it on there. My small interaction meant so much to him that he didn’t care if it was tight he just cherished it because someone a moment out of their day to see him and spend time with him.


 Dillon: Feel loved by men and God Dolleta: Connection with her son and find housing that is affordable. and that she will also feel God’s love. Steve: Be used by God to lead others to the kingdom and that he will feel his value and worth.

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I made my way back to the area where Rob was teaching. While he was teaching several other people came up to listen or to ask one of us for money or cup of coffee. I saw Jesus’s love shine so clearly as different staff members sacrifice of themselves to spend time or sacrifice money to help others who they dont know at all and have no idea what they might do with that money. reckless abandonment and love, a love like Jesus. Laura, Skyler and later Lauren spent time talking to this atheist who came up to listen to Rob for a while. They just listen to him and loved him. I believe that God started a work in him, that morning, that probably none of us there will see.

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Jason:  that God will bless his soccer team as he is here to coach. that he will see the evidence of God all around him through people and nature and that is so strong and convicting that he cant deny it! that he will feel Gods love and that his eyes will be open to the truth. the truth that is there is a God and that God loves him so much and is worth living for and from that the people he is around, the soccer teams,family, and friends will be drastically changed forever for the kingdom!


We then hopped onto a bus and made a quick trip where then all got off and made our way on a trail.  As we hiked i began hearing a little bits of the students stories and who they are. Its awesome getting to grow closer to these incredible students. I see so much potential in all of them this summer and i cant wait to see how they grow and how they will change. The world will never be the same after these men and women are sent out from this summer. I begin to tear up as i think about the lives they will change and the ways they will be impacted, the ways they find freedom, find boldness and leadership, the ways they will be changed, challenged & equipped. Guys your help and donations go FAR beyond helping someone come out on a trip for two months and way beyond helping that one person you donated too but the kingdom impact that you are supporting spreads around the world too 1000’s and 1,000’s of people in every area of life!  you are helping a Kingdom movement that has impacts beyond any of our wildest dreams! so thank you so much for giving of yourself to help these students experience a summer that is like nothing they will ever have again but will change them for the rest of their lives…anyways we made our way to a overlook of the city below where we took pictures and enjoyed the view as we caught our breath. high altitude really takes it out of you and you find how out of shape you really are.

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Ryan (left) Devin (right)

I got to here a little bit of both these guys stories as we hiked. God has huge things for both of them. Both  have natural leadership abilities and  solid hearts for God. Ryan has a passion for sports and kids and just has a maturity that is beyond his years. Devin is a ball of energy we hit it off right away. He has a HUGE heart and a deep desire to grow and a electrical personality that rubs off on anyone that he is around. being around him just makes you day better. I cant wait to see how these to brothers are redefined and impacted through the summer! Great things are coming for both of them.

We then made our climb up farther up the hill where we found a place at a overlook to sit for another lesson from Rob, a continuation of “Redefining God” changing the view on how we view God, who he really is, and how he sees us.

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first team picture w/o Carley who got sick and had to go down early

  on the way back down has had a few more good conversation with more students just about life. Its cool to see how God is really giving me close friendships and being able to build relationships with a lot of these students so quickly, because before coming out here i had a fear that being behind a camera would hinder me from build these relationships, but the very opposite has been true! Part of it is that this group of people are just so awesome!!  LOVE THEM!!  I realized also that I was believing a lie that Satan had been feeding me that I wouldn’t  be able to build meaningful relationships! These are some of the quickest friendships and relationships i have ever made so take that Devil!!

Most of us interns and staff jumped on Gus and headed back to KBM while the students stayed back and to do some team building with their international teams.


Team Dominican Republic “UMIKUMALUA PUEOs” (left-right Branson, Trent, Jesse D, Grant, Tiana, Carley, Hannah, Michael, Karolina, and Darren)

While the students where doing some team building the staff were doing some team building of there own.  On our way back to the office Gus the Ghetto Bus decided to stop working , Wise Man Boyd, John Boyd, was able to pull off the interstate but then it just died on a hill lucky only a little ways from a mall parking lot.. so nine of us guys got behind Gus and pushed him up the hill and into the parking lot. had some great looks from cars going by. we found that it was a small hose dealing with the coolant that had busted. we were in the parking lot for about a hour and a half but got it fixed thanks to handy man Hoot and a newly married couple that had just moved from Kansas, Noah & Teresa, who took Nate and Todd around to find a store that had what Gus needed to be fixed.  They gave up their time to help these strangers who where in need, which took them over 30 minutes to find what they needs. They were reflecting God’s Love and it was awesome connecting with other Co-Laborers. Nate got to share with them about KBM and what they are all about, which intern got them excited to see what God is doing through KBM and are now watching the online  live stream videos of the classroom teaching.


KBM staff with Noah & Teresa (L-R Jim, Lauren, Gavin, Jill, Daniel, Todd, Nate, Noah, Teresa, John, Skyler, & Ron)

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Once we all Got back to the office. the students finished off their day with one more lesson with Dwight teaching on “Main Thing” which i helped Live stream with running one of the cameras. you can watch it here.


Students:  that they will walk into a deeper understatement of who they are in Christ, that their relationships with each other and the staff will also grow deeper and that the students will trust the speakers, staff, and interns and embrace the journey. There a lot of big things happening in the students and pray that they will continue to let go  and let God redefine themselves.                                                               Noah  & Teresa:  That through their marriage they will only grow closer to God and through that grow closer to each other.  That this transition into marriage and moving to Colorado will be a smooth that sweet change into this new chapter of life and that their ministry will prosper and be a kingdom movement.

-Relentless Warrior

Adventure of the Experience: Day 2

5/17: Class, International teams, & Family Dinner10298915_10203806643429432_2296093389531315751_n

Today the students had their first whole day of class room teaching time. Dwight Robertson talked about “Plan A”. Today was a historical moment because for the first time KBM live steamed the class over the internet for Alum and others to join in and watch.  I was able to be a apart of this through being the camera man that followed Dwight around.


Even though I’ve heard this message multiple times it still spoke to me in really powerful ways.  I began to tear up at points as Dwight shared stories of how God showed up and changed peoples lives through other ordinary people. it put a passion and fire back into me.


The student s finally got to find out what Country they are going to and who will be on their teams. So after this the three teams: Haiti, Honduras, & DR split up to prepare for  tonight. Tonight is family dinner time where all the KBM staff and families come and at the dinner they all introduce themselves to the students.  The students have to come up with a team name & flag then then come up with some kind of skit that will introduce all their teammates in a creative way.   It’s really awesome to see how each team is working together. At the family dinner each team presented their name flag and skit. all of them were great. I cant wait to see how they all will work together as they travel overseas and dive into multiple ministry opportunities.

Please continue to keep them all in your prayers as they will be going into two weeks of class room time. that their hearts will be open and teachable. Also pray for unity and openness between the students as well and between the students and staff. That the students will be able to trust the staff and that they will embrace the journey they have stepped into.

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Happy Experience Day

5/16: Airport Runs and Celebrations 


Today started at 6 am with our 35 minute commute to KBM. After getting my Starbucks Gabby, Skyler, and I headed off for the airport to start picking up the students. But once we got there we couldn’t find a parking spot for over 30 minutes. It wasn’t just that there wasn’t room for a mini bus there just wasn’t any spaces at all. we ended up having to follow two ladies who where leaving and get there spot, a very tight fit, but im a pro at driving Gus and i got him in there! The Excitement was almost  uncontrollable as we walked inside of the airport Jamey Connington and Ryan Peck  where already there when we got there and for the next 2 1/2 to 3 hours we waited and greeted about ten more including 5 from SWU & Clemson. Ge and Gabs were dying of anticipation and every group that came up the escalators we got more and more pumped just waiting to see the students faces and every face that we eventually saw  just gave us such join and excitement almost to the point of tears! This happened throughout day for the next hours as we made three trips to the airport, about 30 minutes each way. Eventually around 4ish we had all the students in the office at KBM! THEY ARE FINALLY HERE!! 😀 The crazy thing is that by the time they stepped foot into the door of KBM all of them were officially completely funded! $2,000 plus at times were donated to individuals, multiple times a day. God has blessed KBM and the students in HUGE ways in the past weeks in ways we could have never imagined. Andrew Hochhalter and Jamey Connington both had over 2,000 to still raise and both received from anonymous donor, unknown to them, that paid the remaining amount left they had to raise for the summer and Jesse Rivers aka “Old Man Rivers”, who is 35 and is a very energetic guy with a huge passion for serving God, but he prayed one night to God saying “if i dont get the rest of the funds will empty my bank account and give it all to this trip.” the next morning he got this donation that was between $2,000-$3,000 that finished off what he needed! WOW, God is so awesome! PRAISE BE TO GOD!!  :DD


The Students have began bonding right away and its been cool to see the team unity and openness between already. This team is awesome and i love them all. they are just a great group of people. I wish you all could meet them. God is about to blow up their world and change them forever. After orientation the students had their first classroom teaching time with Rob Cupp. leading into Rob’s lesson we had a a very sweet and powerful time of worship and you could so easily tell the Lord was there. i might have got a little teary eye just thinking all that God has done to get the students here, actually having them here, and just feeling God in there with us all! They ended the night by signing a poster that signified we are willing and ready to be taught, pushed, challenged, and used by God in whatever way or place that they encounter. which symbolizes that they are “Humbling themselves and are hear to learn and that they are not as good as they could be” it was a super impact and powerful symbol and a great way to begin their summer!
imageIts so good to finally see and talk to in person the students we have been praying for, for months and all we had of them was a name and a Facebook profile picture. in the words of Old Man Rivers ” JESUS!!!” 



Summer Adventures w/ KBM: Preparations in the Office and Sweet Reunions

5/12: Back Home



We up to it still snowing and coming down pretty good too. we pick up the girls but got stuck in the snow in the drive way of the house we were  staying at so we had to push the car for a distance.  starting out the day with an adventure and a little bit of intern team building . When we got to  KBM our hearts where exploding with joy just being back home and that excitement only increased as we entered the office, memories rushing      through our heads, and we reunite with the staff. its been almost a year since most of us have seen any of these people but it feels like we just left  last week, ah, yes this is right! we are home we are with family! The KBM office has a few new additions since last year with new decorations and  design work, new class rooms, a few walls removed and offices added. Its an exciting season at KBM with a lot of new changes and additions.


pushing car out of snow


on our way to work for first time

After we took a quick tour of the new additions to the office we  started out our time at the office with a intern meeting with Rachel Reed.  As we got started Rachel just asked some questions to each of us about how we are doing, what life looked like leading up to now, why are we hear, what do we want to get out of this summer, and a few other personal questions. Intertwined in these questions Rachel poured wisdom, truth, and freedom into us as we shared with each other. This time gave me a sweet calming peace about the summer. Coming into this summer im walking out of a pretty dark and low place personally. I felt like i had failed this past semester spiritually with hardly any alone and DEVO time, battling pornography, felt behind and overwhelmed with classes and RA duties, and just exhausted physically and emotional. there was no excitement for life for me personally i felt trapped and alone. So when Rachel Tell us its ok to be where you are at right now and it is ok not to have everything together, and where you are at is exactly where God wants you, really hit me deep and encouraged me in so many ways. After we spent some time just as a team going over those things we moved into more logistical things including getting a printed version of our summer schedule, basically a mini phone book  (76 pgs), also we got to finally see what the international teams look like and who are the coaches for all the students. when i saw that list i got so excited to see how it was set up and who had who, PERFECT! just another reason KBM is so incredible and why i love this place, everything is down with such intentionality and purpose, they spent months praying, planning, and more praying  just to see who would be on what team and who would be whose coach! you dont see that many places. I left his meeting with such excitement and joy for me personally, the other interns, the staff and for the incoming students! I wish I could let you sit in on just one meeting and see how full of wisdom, discernment, and  of the Holy Spirit KBM as a whole, the individual staff members are! It would blow you away!

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going over our schedules and summer responsibilities

We spent the rest of the afternoon painting, cleaning, and moving things around the office preparing things for the summer. the sun finally came out for the first time since i had been here and we could finally see the mountains again!


Skyler Vacuuming the dry wall and floors

painting some of the new offices
painting some of the new offices
you can see the mountains again!! 
The Sun finally showed itself! 

 After we finished our day at KBM, us five interns and Laura (one of the full time staff members), went to the Reeds house for dinner where we leaned to make para-cord bracelets for the students, had some time to chill and talk about what it looks like to serve this summer, and then ended our time in prayer and having communion together. something that Laura said and challenged us with “how can we live and work along side this students in such a way that doesn’t point them to one of us or makes them see us but we do and be in such a way that points them to Jesus so when they end this summer they wont be lost b/c they were relying and looking to us be they found and look to Jesus. we are just there to give support, like the small metal sticks you stick in your flower or shrub pot to support that plan. the stick doesn’t give the plant life or value but is just there to help it grow in the right direction” this is mien and all of KBM’s desire and wish for this summer!




Para Cord bracelet making


Dinner at the Reeds


5/13 : Preparations & Sweet Reunions


Another day at the office by this time a majority of the snow has melted and the temperature is in the mid 60’s.  today was another work day around the office. we set up some tents for the some future outdoor classroom teaching time and we finished up the last of the para-cord bracelets for the student welcome baggies. Today we finally got some of Lorene Klopfenstein’s , Moma Klop as the students called her last year, cooking for lunch! she is the cook for all the staff and students for the summer and she cooks the best food ever, the students will be spoiled! during lunch all the staff took time out of there own breaks and had each of the interns share, in 5 or so minutes, a little update about life and where we are at. it feels so good to be loved so much by everyone out here! 


kbm staff waiting for some incredible food from mama Klop


working on getting the tents up… not easy



Moma Klops cooking

Twice a week all the staff drop what they are doing and gathers for staff prayer for a little over a hour and today i was able to join them. It was a breath of fresh air and so awesome to see everyone lifting all the prayers request of  each other and the people doing the Experience, 16 Days, Deep Camp, and for the interns. anyone involved in any of these programs at all even the parents and friends of  those doing one of these people, i want you to know you have been prayed for for months and will be prayed for for months to come!  After work we headed to a reunion of Experience students from the past three years from 2011-2013 along with several other people that did 16 Days or who are involved with KBM in one way or the other. there was about 15 of us there. It was such a beautiful time just sharing life together again as a family.  we had dinner together and then went around and shared what God has been up to in our lives, shared what life has been like in the for us in the time after our summers as interns and shares funny stories from our summers on the experience, which most started with “that one time at Stranded”  and gave  “baby Snapchats” of our lives right now.  you can read here from Lisa, one of the full time KBM staff members about this night here. worth the read. and then we ended the night with home made milk shakes and praying over Kirsten, one of my fellow 2012 experience team mates who was leaving the next morning for Arizona, because she just graduated college and is now working as the head youth leader/pastor at her home church. its so cool to see where God has brought us from, what He has brought us into , and where He is taking us next!


2012 Experience Alum (top to bottom left to right) Rachel, ME, Josh & Lisa Zimmerman, Biff, Mackenzie, Kirsten


Prayer For Kirsten

5/14:  More Preparations and behind the Camera


hole punching, sorting, cutting, and inserting…

Today we began assembling the spiritual life notebooks for the students a long with there personal classroom notebooks. A lot of sorting, cutting, hole punching, and inserting of paper when on today and will go on tomorrow as well. I got to do some fun stuff that i really love, work with cameras! 😀 and got to shoot some videos for some videos for KBM, such a honor getting to do stuff  I love for the Organization and people I Love. I got to work with some new fun gear and learn a little more about cameras and Adobe Premiere Editing software…i promise fun stuff! I Got to help shoot two videos with Zach of Dwight Robbertson. you can watch the videos here and here  they are updates about how God has provided and shown up for the students “Prayer Partners” and “Streaming Invitation”  an opportunity for alum to watch live some of the classroom sessions. We got off work around 4;30 and got to spend the rest of the day back at our host family’s house and just rest, which is so important as the crazy and intense summer is about to kick off!


notes to all the incoming students.. who come in in two days!!!


filming for KBM! 😀


such a blast getting to do what i love

5/15:  Finally Preparations & First Students Arrive

Today we spent most of the of the day doing what we were doing yesterday, hole punching, cutting and sorting. a long with setting up the class room for orientation tomorrow and some other random things around the office with several short meetings as well. Just to go over some logistical things and to see how we were doing. today! the first of the experience students arrived today, Solomon Saitoti from Kenya. His journey to get here has been a long one he has been fully funded for three years but it wasn’t until this year that he was able to get his visa to come to America. It was so good seeing him finally. I actually met Solomon in August while I was in Kenya on Submerge.


more preparation work

the past few days have been so incredible, seeing and spending time with people i love dearly. it has been so good hanging out with old team mates like Biff, who is just here for a week volunteering around the office while she is in the neighborhood, Lisa and Josh who are now married and Lisa is on staff with KBM, Mackenzie, who also is only here for a week, Kirsten, who left two days ago after graduating from CCU. You truly become a family after coming to KBM and it has been so life giving to be reunited with so many family members over the past few days. It already feels like ive been here for months!

All of KBM is so freaking pumped TOMORROW!!! all the students will be here!  all the long and stressful months of fundraising and preparing is over and now The Experience begins!!! first students land at the airport at 8am and continue to arrive till 5pm. Skyler, Gabby, and I will be bus shuttling all day! cant wait to see them all face to face!! so keep us in your prayers as we drive a bus back and forth from KBM-Airport and back all day and for the students and they arrive and begin this 58 day life changing experience! 😀 😀 XD

a poem that Gavin wrote describes how we are feeling right now!

 Twas the day before the Experience, when all through KBM
not a staff member could stay still, no, not even Jim.
The Spiritual Life books were sliced and punched with care
In hopes that the Experience Students soon would be there

he staff gathered around the prayer table, packed full of cheer,
when down the cheek of Rob slid a single joy-filled tear,
“The students will be here soon” said Rob to Dwight,
“Merry Experience to all, and to all a good night” 🙂





Tonight us three guys went to the laundromat to do some laundry.  we were the only three in there beside this one other lady named Pamela. We all were just minding our own business waiting for our clothes to be do. well in the process of this Skyler starting up a conversation with Pamela. who happened to be from the general same area of IN. After a few minutes Pamela asked Skyler why he was here and he began to share about KBM and I eased my way into the conversation. We got to share about the experience and about how God has worked in our lives and she got to share some about her life and where she is at right now. It is really cool because when we first walked in to the laundromat I felt like I wanted to pray with this lady but I didn’t know how this would happen but here  we stand talking about life and God 35-40 minutes later and before she leaves I ask to pray for her. It was such a honor to get to do this for her and able to speak truth into her life but the best thing was God using me to speak what he had for her through me! She Told us after the prayer that “it was like you read my mind. things you prayed for were things I’ve been praying quietly to myself for a long time”. She then prayed for us three. What a sight, 10pm in a laundromat and four people holding hands praying for each other.  God moved in and trough for of  is Children tonight. It’s awesome how God works only a few days ago Pamela’s Washer and dryer went out on her and if that didn’t happen none of us would have been able to have this beautiful moment to bless and be blessed! please keep Pamela in your prayers she is going through some difficult times of losing family and friends, needing more clients at her part time job of yard and house work or to get a full time job, and her boy friend  is moving farther away for work. pray that she will feel God’s peace and love, that she gets a new washer and dryer, her relationship w/ her boy friend will only grow stronger and that both of them will grow closer to God and that her job situation will work out! 😀

“SEE, STOP, SPEND TIME WITH!” -Dwight Robertson

love you all and praying for you! sorry this post was so long the days have been busy and never had time to update my blog and sorry about my grammer and english but im a media and interculteral guy not a english one lol Tomorrow… actually today now starts the summer! cant wait. stay tuned for more updates and blog post!

-Relentless Warrior