Walking Into a New Chapter


(Walking by Faith)

I’ve been in Colorado now for about 25 days. I’ve finally been able to step back and breath to reflect on the past 4-5 months. It has been non stop with running, preparing, finishing strong, hanging with friends, fundraising along with all the normal day to day tasks. It’s has been overwhelming and emotionally draining but as well as life giving and energizing. I can’t believe that my college carrier is over and that I’m also back in Colorado working with Forge. It is good though. I was dreading graduating for so long not because I love classes, that’s the farthest thing from the truth, but just the community I had to give up and all the goodbyes I would have to say. I am people oriented and grow attached to people that I spend time with and I grew really close to a lot of people in my four years at School. The day came and the tears flowed my heart was breaking knowing that this would be the last day we all would be together at one place on this earth at least! How do you leave and say goodbye to people that have become family? I don’t think there is any easy way to do it but it is something everyone faces in one way or the other. Part of me wants to hold on to the past four years and live in those amazing moments but I know that God is taking me into a new Chapter of life. It would be easy to live in the past and never move on but God has’t called us to live in the past but He has called us to live in the moment that we are in right now! I’m not saying that i’ll forget the memories, friendships, and even hardships but I won’t relishing in them so much that I don’t see what God is doing in my now and where he is taking me! I will always cherish the times I had at SWU and the family that I gained but that time in  my life has come to a end and God has called me to a new time and place! I don’t know where that is or what I’ll be doing but I am ready to embrace the future no matter what comes at me. It is hard saying that and I’m even getting emotional as I type this. It scares me to let go of something so good and to leave my community and comfort zone but God hasn’t called us to a life of comfort! I’m ready to take the next steps into “adult” hood, ha even though I don’t feel like an adult by any means! I still feel like a little kid in a massive crazy so that isn’t very exciting nor do i look forward having to start paying loans and all kinds of bills but it is good for me I know! what I am excited about is taking the next steps into my ministry. I’m ready to move forward into just being that Relentless Warrior and Risk Taking Artist that God has called me into in a new and bigger way. I Can’t express in words the amount of anticipation I have to see where God takes me and next the people God will put in my life! Over the past few weeks while I have been here in Colorado God has been re-awakening my heart and rekindleing my passion for missions and the lost. There is something stirring in me, this desire to give everything for the sake of the gospel. While I was college that was my mission field to live a life that shined God to those around me to just be myself. God gave me  a burden for my campus for a season, and I still have that burden, but at the core of who I am there is a deeper burned a bigger passion and that is for the nations. God has called me to the mission field in some from or fashion and now I can begin to embark on this new chapter of my life which is what I’ll be doing for the rest of my life however short or long that will be! The trip to Africa I’m doing in August is just the start and glimpses of what my life will be like. You can read about that trip HERE and i’ll touch on it a little more below.  You could say im a little crazy and you’re probably right but honestly “crazy” should be the ordinary for the life a Christian! That is what I want, at least for my life, to make the “crazy” moments the norm in my life. So when I am not doing things for God that is when I and others notice and questions whats up. So in a nut shell I’m walking into this new chapter of life with basically no answers with fear of being adult but at the same time I’m walking through this new door with great anticipation of God just leading me into bigger and greater things!

Summer Update

So the students here are incredible! There are 22 students two of them are from overseas, Haiti and the Czech Republic. They are super teachable and wanting to be pushed, stretched, taught, and challenged. Granted some are being pushed and stretched farther then they want or thought they could go but it is in those moments where the real transformation begins. Within the first few days the students where forced to face their past or maybe their current  situation and begin walking through the process of forgiveness and then the following day they went into a time of open confession of personal sin in their lives and finding freedom from it. They have been in the classroom pretty much the whole first two weeks until they go overseas on Tuesday. They have been taught by numerous people on wide variety of topics from, their unique ministry, identity, apologetics, time alone with God, reintroduction to God, and so much more. they have also done extended times with God, experienced international worship, gone on hikes, met biker groups, and have done some spirit led ministry in town. It’s been a intense time of learning but they soon will be able to put these things into action as they go out tonight to downtown Denver to do ministry in whatever way God leads them, as they go overseas, and throughout the rest of the summer and even as they go home. They did though just get back from three days of a simulated missions trip where they had to face and overcome many obstacles to reach a tribe for the gospel. Some had to face their greatest fears, some had to walk into new boldness, some found out how prideful they are, some caught a vision or burden for some place or people group in the world, but they all had work as a team and were pushed out of their comfort zones to some extent. Through all this many of them found new life, a better understanding of God, themselves, and the mission field. Some big breakthroughs happened and they are beginning to walk into the identity God has given them more fully and freely! It is aways so exciting to watch this process and watch the students come alive and it’s only the beginning! Please keep them in you’re prayers as they soon will be headed overseas! pray that this will be another transformational time in their lives and that God’s agenda, not ours, will be done. Also pray that they will continue to walk into deeper areas with God and that they will continue to be redefined by God. That can be a messy and even painful process but through that beauty and life comes springing through! A really cool way to join us in prayer is joining the Forge Prayer Team with weekly updates, prayer request, and personal tips and encouragement for your personal prayer life. God is at work!!


It was weird when I first got here it felt like I was in a dream trying to wrap my head around that I was actually here But the first few days the interns got to go on a small retreat up in the mountains and i began processing that I was back with Forge. God has been doing a work in my life already since being here. As I said above God is doing a work in me and rekindling my passion for missions but He is also just lavishing his love on me and reminding me who I am in his eye. It has been a sweet and life giving time so far. I just have this deep desire to be with God right now and I have a new hunger for the world and a desire to just learn. Im not saying it has been all easy and fun their has been a lot of long days in the office and early mornings, coffee is a most. There has been plenty of low moments from physical tiredness to spiritual attacks to just getting over pride and self. I have been leaning to live and work with a variety of personalities. But I really am blessed and doing very well and God is doing a work in my life. I’m learning a lot about working as a team, growing in my media skills behind the camera and in post-edit. This is the first summer that the interns have specific rolls and positions so being able to walk into that roll, compared to previous years where we did whatever and not a lot of direction, is really good! it is cool to see how we, the interns, are able to come in and bring life to the staff and students. There are times where we might not feel like we are making a difference or loving what we are doing, but it is just a joy and honor to be able to work along side and for such amazing people and ministry. As interns this year we are also getting some classroom time with some of the speakers and getting to be poured into and challenged by them as well as the staff here! When the students leave on Tuesday for Honduras, Mexico, and Haiti we will be soon prepping for 16 Days, a high school program, and Deep Camp. We, The Interns, will also be going on a three day camping trip where we will be spending extended time with God, WAAWG, and I am really excited to see what God does there in me!

Last thing is a quick update about my Africa trip in August, https://vimeo.com/128042475, So every day I get more excited about this trip and what God will do in and through me and the other going and those we will be interacting with over there. We don’t really have a game plan beside going and seeing what God does. The first half isn’t completely nailed down on what exactly we will be doing but excited to see how God moves there and begins to do a work in Branson’s heart as we seek to find connections and information about the place God laid on his heart, location is secret for safety reasons. We then will head to Tanzania to Ukerewe Island where my heart has been burdened for. Again there is no agenda or plan once we get there beside going and seeing what God does. I am and will be praying for a specific vision for this place. I don’t know why God is given me this burden for the albinos here but Im excited to see what it might become! Some really excited news about the trip is that Laura, one of the forge staff members will be joining us now on our trip to Africa, read her awesome story HERE, and there  is potential of another staff member joining us as well! When the students where doing their Missions trip simulations/training I got to meet up with Caleb Bislow and Branson to connect real quick about the trip. It was good and life giving to be with them and refocused and reenergized me for the trip. Please be in prayer for me that I continue to walk into boldness and obedience even now as I prepare my heart for the trip. Pray that I and the others will being getting a vision for the people we are going to. Pray that our team will unified and Kingdom focused. Pray that our funds will come in.  Pray that the people we will be interaction with will begin, even now, to sense God’s presence.

Thanks for all your Support and Prayers

You too are being prayed for as you read this blog!

God Bless,

Jon Stegenga

Relentless Warrior



2015 Experience Team

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Following God’s Heart: My Summer Journeys

This post is just a informational. telling you guys about my summer and what God called me to! hope you enjoy the read!

“I exist as a risk taking artist to show and inspire people that there is joy in passionately and fully living for God.”

This became mission statement as ended my time as a student on The Experience three summers ago. At the time it didn’t make complete sense, yet I knew this was who I was! In the past three years God has revealed much more meaning behind this mission statement and has reawakened dormant passions in my life. He has given me a huge passion for photography and videography and a deep passion to use these talents to further the Kingdom all around the world.

This summer I have two awesome opportunities:

First – a media internship with Forge.
Second – visiting an Island in Tanzania to follow God’s promptings from two years ago. Both of these are opportunities to pursue my passions.

The first part of my summer will be spent interning with Forge. This is specifically geared to help me enhance my skills and use my passion with photography/videography, editing, and producing while still doing up close ministry with high school students and young adults who are part of their 16 Days and Experience equipping programs.

For the second part of my summer, I will be traveling to Ukerewe Island in Tanzania. Two and a half years ago, I went to Kenya and Tanzania and heard about this Albino Island. As soon as I heard about this place, I felt God placing a burden on my heart to go there. When I returned home I began to research this place and found out about Ukerewe Island and the persecution the albinos go through.

This island was a place people would send the albinos to for one of two reasons: to either protect them from witchcraft or because their families see them as inferior. Witch doctors will pay people to go out and hack off the limbs of an albino person with a machete because there is a myth that their body parts hold magical powers. Albino people are seen as inferior or even ghosts, which is another reason why people cut their limbs off. They don’t only deal with harm from other people but also from natural elements. Because of the lack of pigment in their skin they are very susceptible to skin cancer. The average life span of an albino is 35-45 years because of all the things they face. The more I read and researched the more my heart broke for these people and the more I knew I had to go.

My original plans was to go between December 2015 and February 2016 but recently was offered the opportunity to join a couple of guys returning to Africa and get to visit Ukerewe Island. I don’t know what lies before me but I do know I’m supposed to go. My purpose in going is to pray for a vision for the island. This vision could be for a humanitarian or spiritual need. However, God’s plans may be different and this experience could be to test my obedience and help me grow personally. Whatever it might be I’m excited to be able to reach out to these people.

I’m really excited to see what God does this summer, but I can’t do this without your help. Would you consider supporting and praying for me as I follow my calling to Ukerewe Island and as I do my internship in Colorado?

hope you enjoyed and will consider partnering with me through your prayers and support. I have to raise $7200 by May first witch is a lot of money but at the same time I serve a God of enormous riches!

Click HERE to download a copy of my support letter click HERE to visit my Donor Page and click HERE to read more about Forge ministries.

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Adventures of the Experience: The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (5-25-6/1)

5/25-6/1: A Catch Up on the Past Week


The past 8 days have been nothing short of incredible! Its been humbling to see God work in me personally and exciting to see how God is transforming the lives of the students. the next two day the students will be headed to Haiti, Honduras, and The Dominican Republic and God has really prepared them for this next stage is huge ways! This group is FULL of world changers! SO EXCITING!!

June 25-28th

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this was a time which i cant talk about that the KBM staff keeps secret so I cant share much but it was a time where the students bonded as a team they where pushed emotional, physically, and spiritual individually and as a team where in they found a lot out about themselves and each other and have grown a lot because of it. The one thing i can share about this is that at the beginning of they were told to think of a new name based off of Revelation 2:17 “I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it” these names are names that they feel God has given them. Names that they want to live into that God has called them to be. As a lot of people know God gave me a new name two years ago Relentless Warrior. SO at the end of the several day adventure they got to share their names with the group and explain what and or why they chose that name and then write their new name on a wall just like I and so many others have done in the past! Andrew Hochhalter’s new name  is Steadfast Warrior. click here to read about that. Other names include Cherished Stone(Bethany), Royal Fragrance(Karolina), Think Heart(Darren), Wildflower(Tiana), & Bold Lion (Ryan E). Its awesome to see them step out and into who God has created them to be and who He is calling them to be! 

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Once they have gotten back from the Adventure they jumped right back into more classroom teaching time from three or four different kbm itinerant  speakers over the next several day they heard from Adrian Despres, Mick Veach, Efrem Smith, and Jason Roe. With teachings about Apologetics,  Hope, Passion, Hermeneutics, The Great Commission, and Kingdom Culture along with Q&A with the speakers and times of worship.

 The night Rob taught on Kingdom Culture the idea “Thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven” how Gods kingdom is in the future but also in the present. toward the end he had the students break up in groups and as groups think about and then illustrate through drawing what it might look like for God’s Kingdom come to earth. Every group had very different idea and illustrations. when they finished them they presented them but none of them came close to capturing the fullness of the Kingdom and from there it went into this overwhelming feeling of how vast God and His kingdom is and we stood, sat, and laid in His presence and entered into a beautiful time of worship just in pure aw of who God is! “How great is our God.” God’s Kingdom is, yes in the future, but also right now! Lets bring his Kingdom to earth in all we do and say!

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The next day the 31st after a session with Jason Roe on Evangelism the students then got to spend over 4 hours on the streets of downtown Denver to do street evangelism. Some some were nervous some scared but all excited to see what God was going to do. As we got close to the city we broke out in prayer asking that God’s Kingdom would come to to Denver, that lives would be impacted, and we would have eyes to see! And what happened was far beyond anything we could have wished for.  As the students went off in pairs to do ministry me and Gavin headed off out of the boundaries to a place i went with the 16 Day students last year called the Triangle. to hear what happened with us click HERE and read about the crazy, risky, and slightly dangerous mission we did on Gavin’s Blog.  Just going to say it was a sketchy place where prostitution, drug deals, assaults,  theft, and murders happen on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. The cops dont even really come down here but also its a broken place full of people, people who God loves and a place where someone must risk to share God’s love! The homeless are no less people then we are!


Ali, one of the guys we met around the triangle.


Once we got back to safer turf i broke off and walked down “main street” 16th street i ran in to this traveling band called Coyote String Band they were really good but i didn’t want to interrupt them as they played to talk with them so i just watched them play for a while and pet their dog and then I felt God was telling me to video them. i felt awkward doing that but didn’t want to miss a chance for God to do something so I asked them and they said sure so I got several videos of them playing as well as pictures of them. Before I left I asked if there was anything i could be praying for them about and they told me a few things and that was that nothing big happened, but I also got contact info from them to send them the videos and pictures i took of them so that could be a potential to grow our relationship and who knows maybe a way to witness to them.  _DSC0563

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       Dustin                   Kaite                    Annabelle                Will


they will have safety as the travel across the country, that they will run into Christians that share love with them and that they will feel that love, & that they will begin a relationship with God

After I left them i wandered for a bit but then saw this guy sitting at the corner of the street. I didn’t see him right away but was walking toward him b/c i saw another street band playing but once I saw him I knew I needed to talk with him. I asked his name he said Ian and then i asked to sit with him. I sat there with him and began some small talk but a minute or two later we were headed to a dinner for a meal. On the way to the dinner we talked and somehow it came up that I was a Christian. Once we got to the dinner we sat and got our menus. Ian hadn’t had a meal like this in a long time but he wasn’t sure what to get and didn’t want to get something to expensive but I made sure he knew he could get whatever he wanted and after a few minutes andme kind of picking for him he ordered a 12 or 16 once steak! I got to take a stranger who is homeless to a steak dinner! After he orders he went to wash up and when he came back he said ” hey can i ask you a serious question” and pointing to his head and then moving to his heart he asked “how did you get it from here to here?” head to heart. From that question for the next hour or so I shared some of my story and shared the gospel to him. I did what Adrian does some times when witnessing to people, and i had no idea what i was doing but felt led to do it so i did it, i tour the napkin into strips and when on to say, this is your life on the streets, this is your life w/ your friends, w/ possessions, and your life with yourself. I then asked him if you were to give these parts of your life to God which one would you give he said all but the “self” piece. I went on to listen to him and see why that was it came done to a fear of letting go and not having control, a fear of the unknown, and this idea that he isn’t good enough or worthy and I just got to share so much truth and love into his live of who he is in Christ and how God views him as perfect and blameless. I handed him the piece of paper that had self on it and I told him hold on to that and when your ready, not because I asked you to, but when you are ready to let go and give up “self” and let God have full control take that napkin piece out and give it over! He is so close and I do believe he will sometime soon! im waiting for that Facebook message or call from him and him saying “I did it!” until then join me in prayer for him! another cool thing from that was our waiter Alex seemed to be blessed by what happened and thanked me, im not sure what for, but he also then gave Ian a big drink cup to go for his drink. I think Alex and several other waiter/waitresses where impacted as well that night! 


That he will be able to come to the point and  surrender “self” for safety on the streets and that others Christians will come into his live and mentor him and help him. Find a way off the streets and safety as he travels, he wants to make his was to Oregon and that I can keep in contact with him and continue to speak truth into his life and his heart will understand and accept and know he is worth and he doesn’t have to fear letting go or the unknown.

As we all gathered and shared I got more and more excited as students shared stories about people the talked to and lives that where impacted. Garrett led one guy to the Lord, others shared meals with other, some prayed over people, some where answers to people prayers from the day before, others where an encouragement to fellow Christians who are on the street, for others it was a time that grew them and challenged them by either listening to peoples stories, opening up to their team mates or  pushing past their fears and stepping up and talking w/ and sharing God’s love to strangers! God’s Kingdom came upon Denver!

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Today the students went shopping for international stage and then went to a staff member’s house in their teams for lunch after that they came back had their last class teaching and then we ended the night with “Concert of Prayer”  A time of prayer and worship prayer as a whole and in small groups praying for each location the teams are going and the people they will be working with and ministering to as well as prayer for each other, the leaders, and travel. The last thing was the leaders anointed each student and they prayed over them as a commission to go and do! I got so excited looking at this happen and all the lives in this room and all the lives they will impact through Christ! They have had two weeks of being poured into and trained and now we send them out to pour into others! God is going to do some unbelievable things in and through all the students and leader! The next 18 days as they go out of the USA and into unknown areas God is going to rock the worlds the students and invade the lives of everyone they come in contact with!

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Keep the team in your prayers as they travel and interact with many different people. pray for boldness and willingness to step out in faith into situations, unity among the teams, hearts be softened and teachable for those they interact with and themselves as well, smooth travels, that some of them will have a “brave-heart” moment and do something HUGE, and that some will get a passion, vision, or calling to a area for the future!

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You have been Prayed for! hoping to be able to blog while overseas but not sure how that will work out if not follow KBM’s blog for updates on the teams!

– Relentless Warrior

Adventures of the Experience: Growing Relationships 5/22-23

5/22 Power of God, Sad Goodbyes, & Guys Night 



I stayed the night at the hotel and when i woke up Garrett asked me “hey how did you sleep last night?” He had this concerned look on his face and then he goes on to explain that he woke up to me literally tossing in my bed and yelling in my sleep saying things like “I can’t get away and I cant out of this!” He said he was surprised that i didn’t wake up the whole  hotel, because I was yelling. The funny thing was that drew was in beside be in bed but some how i didn’t wake him up and he just slept through it all. Anyways Garrett thought I might have been having a nightmare and was about to go to sleep but then he felt God say no I woke you up for a reason and then he felt a dark presence in the room. He was a a little freaked out but then he got up came to the foot of the bed where i was and started praying over the room and my bed. I don’t know how long he prayed or what he said but there came a moment where all of a sudden he felt the evil presence leave the room and God’s presence fill it. He thought that this was because of two days ago when i confessed before the group about my struggle with porn and that it went deeper then a emotional problem but it was a spiritual one to. Spiritual Warfare is real thing and the devil has power BUT nothing compared to the power of God! I do believe there was some demonic presence around dwelling with me and through Garrett, God through him back to the pit of Hell.“THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS”  It has been so cool to get to know Garrett over the past few days and to know where he was a few years ago and to see him know it is awesome! He is so enthralled with God and passionate about serving him and its just a joy to watch him worship, soak in everything people tell and teach him, speak truth into others lives, and to   share his wisdom. It is a honor to know this man of God. If you want to  read about his story click here, where Gavin wrote a blog about post about him the other week.

 I had the morning off so after dropping the students off at KBM I went back to the hotel and chilled by the pool and went thrift shopping, which is kind of a addiction i have. Today was also a sad day because Biff left. Biff is a fellow experience alum from my year 2012. She was up here for two weeks hanging out and helping around the office. Biff is one of my closest friends who i consider as my little big sister. I would do anything for her. She has just a deep joy in her that brings life and energy to everyone around her. she loves to serve, especially when someone has dirty dishes.  She is currently living in Charleston going to Dental school and dating this stud of a guy who is a incredible man of God and a musician. He leads worship at two churches, can play basically every instrument,  oh and he has awesome dreads, so I Approve!  It is been so awesome to see how God has really impacted her life over the past two years and to see where she is now in contrary to where she was when I met her two years ago. Biff you are the best love you so much and we all at the office miss you like crazy! Thanks for being you

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10177437_594822594689_2798227724321352319_nBiff: Pray that her remaining time in CO with her family will be a blessed time as they are at a wedding for a cousin of theirs. That there relationship as siblings grows and goes deeper in new ways. pray that they all have safety traveling back to SC. Pray for a blessing upon her and Robbie’s relationship and as they grow closer to each other it will only strengthen their relationship with God Individually and  as a couple and pray that as she is in dental School she can be that witness to her fellow students and that she will have energy to a understatement in her classes so she will stay on top of her grades. 




Tonight was Girl and Guys night out. so all the Guys pilled onto Thor and we headed to Chick-fil-A where we stormed in and  took it over. It was cool to see how these guys respected the employees and made their job easier. They really represented God well and has several people come up to us to ask where we were from and who we were with because they saw something different in us. Doesn’t mean we weren’t a little loud and rambunctious but they acted out of the love they have for God and the employees actually enjoyed having all of us there, besides having to make and prepare all that food at one time! LOVE THESE MEN! … Solomon, the guy from Kenya, got to experience Chick-Fil-A for the first time, He loved it!


Solomon, Andrew, Micheal, Me @ Chick-fil-a

After we ate we headed to Colin’s house to hang out and have man time. which started by eating ice cream. Colin as this didgeridoo and several of us tried to play it but most of us failed and then Colin showed us all up!!


Photo credit: Darren Yau

Then we gathered in the living room to have man talk. We were struggling to fit everyone in the room with is so AWESOME because we have been praying for years and years that we would have more guys and then girls on the team and this year it finally happened with 16 guys and 12 girls! My team, in 2012, was 7 guys and 20 girls so having this ratio that we do is a huge answer to prayer! Solomon shared the rights of passage in the Maasai culture in which a boy becomes a man and the different stages of being a man, from warrior (the Moran)all the way to an elder. The staff then asked the question “what is a man?” it was difficult to define and that is because there is no set definition of what makes a man. From there we just sat around discussing and talking about what a man is and the staff answered any questions the students might have. It was a bonding time for all the guys in a very unique and “man” way and just strengthen the brotherhood that is already really awesome!


GUYS:Find men, fathers, husbands, grandfathers and let them speak truth into your life. You might think you have it all figured out and you are good to go but let me break it to you YOU DONT KNOW EVERYTHING! Actually you know very little. If its your own father awesome, if you dont have that in your life, find a father figure or other Godly men and just take them out to coffee and let them speak wisdom into your life. They have a lot to offer!



The MEN: that they will grow closer to each other. that they will continue or start to let God define them . that they will be MEN! That they will learn how to lead and to serve and that they will seek to honor God with their lives over anyone else. 

5/23 Castlewood Canyon & Sabbath 


They students got picket up from the hotel at 9 am and then we headed to Castlewood Canyon State Park to enjoy a Sabbath together. Where we spent the day enjoying each others company and hiked, climbed, exploring, ENOing, sleeping, reading, or whatever else that was relaxing and refilling for each of us. I spent the day with some of the students scaling/rock climbing up the side of the canyon and made it to the top to enjoy a incredible view of the surrounding land! i might have busted my knee open while i was exploring in the canyon there was a “sand” bank that was at a steep angle and a creek below it and me and several others thought the best way to cross was to run on this steep bank to get to the other side, instead of walking through the creek. I was the test dummy and went for it. I only made it a  few feet when my feet slipped out and the bank that looked like soft sand, which was actually a very hard packed sand, rock, and dirt mix, that when a knee hits the knee looses very quickly! But whats an adventure with out a little blood! Well that is at least my motto!


At the top we took some photos of the group that was there, yelled down into the canyon, and worshiped God by yelling his name.

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Then we hurried back down where we had our sac lunched but at the same time it desired to rain and hail a little bit so we all headed for the trees or under rocks. luckily the rain passed quickly and we ate our lunches in the sun. While we ate Shannon Boyd talked about what a Sabbath looks like and the importance of having a Sabbath.


As another storm rolled in we made our way to the buses and headed back but then we surprised the students by stopping at Chick-Fil-A where Dwight was there and he treated us all to Milkshakes! Once we got back to Aurora we had a few hours before Team dinners so i hung out at the hotel with the students and we had some more bro time but this time in the hot tub and pool! Have I said I love they guys well I LOVE THESE GUYS!!!



Tonight we had  International team dinners im with team DR, Umikumalua Pueos, we ate the Brights house which was phenomenal!They have two massive dogs which we played with and they also breed exotic birds with about 50 pairs in a barn and we got to hold some of the babies that they had in their basement.  After dinner we gathers and just talked as a team. something that was cool was that this team has really bonded and come together! They have are a dream team but as the leaders Laura and Nate talked to them and asked them questions it led into a time where the students stared to encourage each other and point out strength each of them bring to the team, this wasn’t even planned but like I was saying this team is awesome! After we rapped it up all the guys got around the piano and with Darren playing we just started singing. What started as goofing off and us guys singing in really manly voices ended up as a time of worship with the whole team. It’s so cool to see the guys lead in this way and not be ashamed to sing no matter how good or bad our voices might be! Im so excited for this team and to see how they grow and and challenged and that goes for all three teams!

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The International Teams: As they come closer to going overseas pray that they will unit as a team and look past themselves and look to the team as a hold, difficult times area a head but also beautiful and exciting times of growth await to! 

Summer Adventures w/ KBM: Preparations in the Office and Sweet Reunions

5/12: Back Home



We up to it still snowing and coming down pretty good too. we pick up the girls but got stuck in the snow in the drive way of the house we were  staying at so we had to push the car for a distance.  starting out the day with an adventure and a little bit of intern team building . When we got to  KBM our hearts where exploding with joy just being back home and that excitement only increased as we entered the office, memories rushing      through our heads, and we reunite with the staff. its been almost a year since most of us have seen any of these people but it feels like we just left  last week, ah, yes this is right! we are home we are with family! The KBM office has a few new additions since last year with new decorations and  design work, new class rooms, a few walls removed and offices added. Its an exciting season at KBM with a lot of new changes and additions.


pushing car out of snow


on our way to work for first time

After we took a quick tour of the new additions to the office we  started out our time at the office with a intern meeting with Rachel Reed.  As we got started Rachel just asked some questions to each of us about how we are doing, what life looked like leading up to now, why are we hear, what do we want to get out of this summer, and a few other personal questions. Intertwined in these questions Rachel poured wisdom, truth, and freedom into us as we shared with each other. This time gave me a sweet calming peace about the summer. Coming into this summer im walking out of a pretty dark and low place personally. I felt like i had failed this past semester spiritually with hardly any alone and DEVO time, battling pornography, felt behind and overwhelmed with classes and RA duties, and just exhausted physically and emotional. there was no excitement for life for me personally i felt trapped and alone. So when Rachel Tell us its ok to be where you are at right now and it is ok not to have everything together, and where you are at is exactly where God wants you, really hit me deep and encouraged me in so many ways. After we spent some time just as a team going over those things we moved into more logistical things including getting a printed version of our summer schedule, basically a mini phone book  (76 pgs), also we got to finally see what the international teams look like and who are the coaches for all the students. when i saw that list i got so excited to see how it was set up and who had who, PERFECT! just another reason KBM is so incredible and why i love this place, everything is down with such intentionality and purpose, they spent months praying, planning, and more praying  just to see who would be on what team and who would be whose coach! you dont see that many places. I left his meeting with such excitement and joy for me personally, the other interns, the staff and for the incoming students! I wish I could let you sit in on just one meeting and see how full of wisdom, discernment, and  of the Holy Spirit KBM as a whole, the individual staff members are! It would blow you away!

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going over our schedules and summer responsibilities

We spent the rest of the afternoon painting, cleaning, and moving things around the office preparing things for the summer. the sun finally came out for the first time since i had been here and we could finally see the mountains again!


Skyler Vacuuming the dry wall and floors

painting some of the new offices
painting some of the new offices
you can see the mountains again!! 
The Sun finally showed itself! 

 After we finished our day at KBM, us five interns and Laura (one of the full time staff members), went to the Reeds house for dinner where we leaned to make para-cord bracelets for the students, had some time to chill and talk about what it looks like to serve this summer, and then ended our time in prayer and having communion together. something that Laura said and challenged us with “how can we live and work along side this students in such a way that doesn’t point them to one of us or makes them see us but we do and be in such a way that points them to Jesus so when they end this summer they wont be lost b/c they were relying and looking to us be they found and look to Jesus. we are just there to give support, like the small metal sticks you stick in your flower or shrub pot to support that plan. the stick doesn’t give the plant life or value but is just there to help it grow in the right direction” this is mien and all of KBM’s desire and wish for this summer!




Para Cord bracelet making


Dinner at the Reeds


5/13 : Preparations & Sweet Reunions


Another day at the office by this time a majority of the snow has melted and the temperature is in the mid 60’s.  today was another work day around the office. we set up some tents for the some future outdoor classroom teaching time and we finished up the last of the para-cord bracelets for the student welcome baggies. Today we finally got some of Lorene Klopfenstein’s , Moma Klop as the students called her last year, cooking for lunch! she is the cook for all the staff and students for the summer and she cooks the best food ever, the students will be spoiled! during lunch all the staff took time out of there own breaks and had each of the interns share, in 5 or so minutes, a little update about life and where we are at. it feels so good to be loved so much by everyone out here! 


kbm staff waiting for some incredible food from mama Klop


working on getting the tents up… not easy



Moma Klops cooking

Twice a week all the staff drop what they are doing and gathers for staff prayer for a little over a hour and today i was able to join them. It was a breath of fresh air and so awesome to see everyone lifting all the prayers request of  each other and the people doing the Experience, 16 Days, Deep Camp, and for the interns. anyone involved in any of these programs at all even the parents and friends of  those doing one of these people, i want you to know you have been prayed for for months and will be prayed for for months to come!  After work we headed to a reunion of Experience students from the past three years from 2011-2013 along with several other people that did 16 Days or who are involved with KBM in one way or the other. there was about 15 of us there. It was such a beautiful time just sharing life together again as a family.  we had dinner together and then went around and shared what God has been up to in our lives, shared what life has been like in the for us in the time after our summers as interns and shares funny stories from our summers on the experience, which most started with “that one time at Stranded”  and gave  “baby Snapchats” of our lives right now.  you can read here from Lisa, one of the full time KBM staff members about this night here. worth the read. and then we ended the night with home made milk shakes and praying over Kirsten, one of my fellow 2012 experience team mates who was leaving the next morning for Arizona, because she just graduated college and is now working as the head youth leader/pastor at her home church. its so cool to see where God has brought us from, what He has brought us into , and where He is taking us next!


2012 Experience Alum (top to bottom left to right) Rachel, ME, Josh & Lisa Zimmerman, Biff, Mackenzie, Kirsten


Prayer For Kirsten

5/14:  More Preparations and behind the Camera


hole punching, sorting, cutting, and inserting…

Today we began assembling the spiritual life notebooks for the students a long with there personal classroom notebooks. A lot of sorting, cutting, hole punching, and inserting of paper when on today and will go on tomorrow as well. I got to do some fun stuff that i really love, work with cameras! 😀 and got to shoot some videos for some videos for KBM, such a honor getting to do stuff  I love for the Organization and people I Love. I got to work with some new fun gear and learn a little more about cameras and Adobe Premiere Editing software…i promise fun stuff! I Got to help shoot two videos with Zach of Dwight Robbertson. you can watch the videos here and here  they are updates about how God has provided and shown up for the students “Prayer Partners” and “Streaming Invitation”  an opportunity for alum to watch live some of the classroom sessions. We got off work around 4;30 and got to spend the rest of the day back at our host family’s house and just rest, which is so important as the crazy and intense summer is about to kick off!


notes to all the incoming students.. who come in in two days!!!


filming for KBM! 😀


such a blast getting to do what i love

5/15:  Finally Preparations & First Students Arrive

Today we spent most of the of the day doing what we were doing yesterday, hole punching, cutting and sorting. a long with setting up the class room for orientation tomorrow and some other random things around the office with several short meetings as well. Just to go over some logistical things and to see how we were doing. today! the first of the experience students arrived today, Solomon Saitoti from Kenya. His journey to get here has been a long one he has been fully funded for three years but it wasn’t until this year that he was able to get his visa to come to America. It was so good seeing him finally. I actually met Solomon in August while I was in Kenya on Submerge.


more preparation work

the past few days have been so incredible, seeing and spending time with people i love dearly. it has been so good hanging out with old team mates like Biff, who is just here for a week volunteering around the office while she is in the neighborhood, Lisa and Josh who are now married and Lisa is on staff with KBM, Mackenzie, who also is only here for a week, Kirsten, who left two days ago after graduating from CCU. You truly become a family after coming to KBM and it has been so life giving to be reunited with so many family members over the past few days. It already feels like ive been here for months!

All of KBM is so freaking pumped TOMORROW!!! all the students will be here!  all the long and stressful months of fundraising and preparing is over and now The Experience begins!!! first students land at the airport at 8am and continue to arrive till 5pm. Skyler, Gabby, and I will be bus shuttling all day! cant wait to see them all face to face!! so keep us in your prayers as we drive a bus back and forth from KBM-Airport and back all day and for the students and they arrive and begin this 58 day life changing experience! 😀 😀 XD

a poem that Gavin wrote describes how we are feeling right now!

 Twas the day before the Experience, when all through KBM
not a staff member could stay still, no, not even Jim.
The Spiritual Life books were sliced and punched with care
In hopes that the Experience Students soon would be there

he staff gathered around the prayer table, packed full of cheer,
when down the cheek of Rob slid a single joy-filled tear,
“The students will be here soon” said Rob to Dwight,
“Merry Experience to all, and to all a good night” 🙂





Tonight us three guys went to the laundromat to do some laundry.  we were the only three in there beside this one other lady named Pamela. We all were just minding our own business waiting for our clothes to be do. well in the process of this Skyler starting up a conversation with Pamela. who happened to be from the general same area of IN. After a few minutes Pamela asked Skyler why he was here and he began to share about KBM and I eased my way into the conversation. We got to share about the experience and about how God has worked in our lives and she got to share some about her life and where she is at right now. It is really cool because when we first walked in to the laundromat I felt like I wanted to pray with this lady but I didn’t know how this would happen but here  we stand talking about life and God 35-40 minutes later and before she leaves I ask to pray for her. It was such a honor to get to do this for her and able to speak truth into her life but the best thing was God using me to speak what he had for her through me! She Told us after the prayer that “it was like you read my mind. things you prayed for were things I’ve been praying quietly to myself for a long time”. She then prayed for us three. What a sight, 10pm in a laundromat and four people holding hands praying for each other.  God moved in and trough for of  is Children tonight. It’s awesome how God works only a few days ago Pamela’s Washer and dryer went out on her and if that didn’t happen none of us would have been able to have this beautiful moment to bless and be blessed! please keep Pamela in your prayers she is going through some difficult times of losing family and friends, needing more clients at her part time job of yard and house work or to get a full time job, and her boy friend  is moving farther away for work. pray that she will feel God’s peace and love, that she gets a new washer and dryer, her relationship w/ her boy friend will only grow stronger and that both of them will grow closer to God and that her job situation will work out! 😀

“SEE, STOP, SPEND TIME WITH!” -Dwight Robertson

love you all and praying for you! sorry this post was so long the days have been busy and never had time to update my blog and sorry about my grammer and english but im a media and interculteral guy not a english one lol Tomorrow… actually today now starts the summer! cant wait. stay tuned for more updates and blog post!

-Relentless Warrior